Is there a difference when connecting MoonBot Terminal for Binance Exchange via fstream3 or fstream websocket?

: Interface configuration

Binance Exchange has announced that it will discontinue use of the WebSocket domain wss:// on February 29, 2024 at 06:00 (UTC). API users are instructed to connect via a new WebSocket connection to wss:// after this deadline to ensure continued access to data from the Binance Futures WebSocket server.
The exchange has provided guides for WebSocket Market Streams and User Data Streams on its website to assist users in the setup process.
Additional updates and details about this change can be found in the API Change Log and full API documentation on Binance’s website.
Due to this change, the fstream3 connection is disabled in the MoonBot terminal, while it remains in the connection menu, but when selected, the fstream connection will actually work.