On the main MoonBot terminal window to the right of the BNB coin availability data is the SM (Stop Market) button, which is responsible for placing a Stop Market.
If you see a blue horizontal line on this button, it means that a manual strategy that can place a Stop Market will place a Sell order (without Stop Market) after buying a coin.
If you see a red down arrow on this button, it means that a manual strategy that can place a Stop Market will place a Sell order after buying a coin (without Sell order takeout line).
Please note that in order to be able to use Stop Market, you should set the slider to the far right on the Settings-Advanced-System tab to “Log level: 5”.
On the main window of the terminal there is a button SM and when you click on it the icon changes from a blue line to a red arrow and back again, what is this button?
Interface configuration