For manual trading, you can activate “Mode: Manual” or “Mode: Signals” in both cases you will be able to place orders manually and buy and sell coins.
For automatic strategies, it is mandatory to switch the button to “Mode: Signals”, as only in this mode, auto strategies are allowed to buy, but of course, if the strategy is activated, it has AutoBuy=YES buy permission set and AutoDetect enabled.
In “Mode: Manual”, auto-strategies will not be allowed to buy coins in any case, you can only buy coins manually.
If you don’t need strategies to buy while you are trading manually, you can simply click “Manual Mode” and use only strategies detects, but no autobuy, in order not to disable detects or change autobuy settings in strategies from AutoBuy=YES to AutoBuy=NO.
If you need a universal mode of operation “both manual and strategy-based buying”, it is recommended to switch this button to “Mode: Signals”, because this mode is more universal, both for manual trading and for auto-trading by strategies.
The “Mode:…” button on the MoonBot terminal’s main window has two values “Mode: Signals” or “Mode: Manual”. What is the difference between them?
Interface configuration