After activating the paid module “Automated trading extension package” in the MoonBot terminal, in addition to the basic parameters of the MoonShot strategy, several new parameters are added, expanding the algorithm of its work, now the strategy can re-slot on the same coin without waiting for the sale of the first sell order:
MShotRepeatAfterBuy: Place a repeated MoonShot after buying and placing the sell
MShotRepeatIfProfit: %, a condition for the current price for the repeated shot: the price should be higher than the buy price by this value
MShotRepeatWait: time in seconds, during which the repeated shot may be placed if the condition of MshotRepeatIfProfit is met
MShotRepeatDelay: await time in seconds, before placing a repeated shot
The repeated shot is only placed if the current price is higher than the price of MShotRepeatIfProfit percent value during MShotRepeatWait seconds.
The default value of MShotRepeatIfProfit = 0, MShotRepeatWait = 5 mean:
“Place a repeated shot if the current price went higher than the buy price within 5 seconds from the buy”