What are the fields and buttons at the bottom of the MoonBot “MarketsTable” and what do they mean?
Click on the “Show Markets” button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal and in the opened “MarketsTable” window there is a “Funnel” (Column Filters) button on the bottom left. If you click on it, you can check or uncheck the column names in the opened window. If the checkbox is checked, the column will be displayed, if it is unchecked, the column will be hidden. In the same window you can quickly check or uncheck all checkboxes using the Check All and Uncheck All buttons. Also below you can check “Hide BL” and hide the coins that are in the black list, so that even if there will be a high volatility on them not to show them in the table of coins and not to open manually their charts field with a filter for a quick search for coins. Below is the “Export to csv” button, which will allow you to unload data from the Coin Table into a separate file with the .csv extension for further processing in third-party programs.
To the right of the “Funnel” button there is a field, which is used as a filter for quick search of coins.
The button with green arrows allows you to refresh “MarketsTable” and at the same time restore the sorting of coins by the date of their addition to the exchange.
The “Manage Leverage” button (for MoonBot futures terminal) has an additional menu for working with orders, margin type, leverage and maximum positions.
The “Close ALL orders” button will close all active Sell orders after a warning by setting V-STOP to [buy +1%] and activate Panic Sell on these orders.
The “Cancel ALL orders” button on the spot market will cancel all buy orders you have on your exchange account, even those placed using other terminals, and on futures this button will also cancel all close orders, even if they were not placed in the MoonBot terminal.