These parameters are located on the Filters tab of the settings for all MoonBot terminal strategies:
FilterBy: Selecting a parameter to filter – Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta – by price delta (for 1m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 24h); DVolToHVolAsc by the ratio of daily to hourly volumes in ascending order; DVolToHVolDesc – by the ratio of daily and hourly volumes in decreasing order; DailyVol, HourlyVol, MinuteVol, 3Min-Vol, 5Min-Vol – by volumes (for 24h, 1h, 1m, 3m, 5m); MaxOrder – by the maximum order size; Orders – by the number of orders; Session – by session; MaxPos – by maximum position; MarkPrice – by MarkPrice; Funding – by Funding; Leverage – by Leverage size; Pump5m – by price growth delta over 5 minutes (counts as the difference between the price 5 minutes ago and the maximum price over 5 minutes); Pump1h – by price growth delta over an hour (counts as the difference between the price an hour ago and the maximum price over an hour); Dump1h – by price drop delta over an hour (counts as the difference between the price an hour ago and the minimum price over an hour).
FilterMin: Minimum boundary of the FilterBy value. If one of the FilterMin or FilterMax values is 0, this parameter is not applied.
FilterMax: The maximum limit of the FilterBy value. If one of the FilterMin or FilterMax values is 0, this parameter does not apply.
What are the FilterBy, FilterMin and FilterMax parameters in the strategy settings?
Strategy settings