What are the FilterBy, FilterMin and FilterMax parameters in the strategy settings?

: Strategy settings

These parameters are located on the Filters tab of the settings for all MoonBot terminal strategies:

FilterBy: Selecting a parameter to filter – Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta – by price delta (for 1m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 24h); DVolToHVolAsc by the ratio of daily to hourly volumes in ascending order; DVolToHVolDesc – by the ratio of daily and hourly volumes in decreasing order; DailyVol, HourlyVol, MinuteVol, 3Min-Vol, 5Min-Vol – by volumes (for 24h, 1h, 1m, 3m, 5m); MaxOrder – by the maximum order size; Orders – by the number of orders; Session – by session; MaxPos – by maximum position; MarkPrice – by MarkPrice; Funding – by Funding; Leverage – by Leverage size; Pump5m – by price growth delta over 5 minutes (counts as the difference between the price 5 minutes ago and the maximum price over 5 minutes); Pump1h – by price growth delta over an hour (counts as the difference between the price an hour ago and the maximum price over an hour); Dump1h – by price drop delta over an hour (counts as the difference between the price an hour ago and the minimum price over an hour).

FilterMin: Minimum boundary of the FilterBy value. If one of the FilterMin or FilterMax values is 0, this parameter is not applied.

FilterMax: The maximum limit of the FilterBy value. If one of the FilterMin or FilterMax values is 0, this parameter does not apply.