Specific parameters of the MoonShot strategy:
MShotPrice: Price (in %) of the current market price at which to place a buy order (always positive, the order is always placed below the market price by the specified value).
MShotPriceMin: The minimum price (in %) from the current market price that the market price can come close to the order price. If the market price comes even closer than the specified value, the order will be moved down by MShotPrice. That is, at the set MShotPrice of 10% and MShotPriceMin of 7%, the price can move above the order in the range of +7…+10% of it. As soon as the price becomes +6.9%, the order will be automatically moved lower and stand 10% below the current price.
MShotMinusSatoshi: if YES, then buy order will be placed no closer than 2 satoshis from ASK price. Useful for coins with less than 100 satoshi, which have a price step of 1% or more.
MShotAdd3hDelta: For each percentage of 3 hour delta price add X% to the value of MShotPriceMin and MShotPrice. For example, if MShotAdd3HourlyDelta=0.05 (5%), MShotPrice=10% and the 3-hour delta of the coin is 20%, an order will be placed not at -10% of the current price, but at -10%+(-20*0.05)=-11%. Since the 3-hour delta is changing, the order will also be rearranged.
MShotAddHourlyDelta: For each percentage of hourly price delta, add X% to the value of MShotPriceMin and MShotPrice. Similar to the above example.
MShotAdd15minDelta: For each percentage of the 15-minute price delta, add X% to the value of MShotPriceMin and MShotPrice. Similar to the above example.
MShotAddMarketDelta: For each percentage of the hourly Market delta, add X% to the value of MShotPriceMin and MShotPrice. Similar to the above example.
MShotAddBTCDelta: For each percentage of hourly BTC delta add X% to the value of MShotPriceMin and MShotPrice. Similar to the above example.
MShotAddBTC5mDelta: To take into account the delta of BTC-USDT exchange rate for the last 5 minutes. This delta is considered as a difference (in percent) between the minimum and maximum exchange rate for the last 5 minutes.
MShotAddDistance: The coefficient of expansion (in percent) of the far border of prices (MShotPrice) depending on delta. If X% was added to the near border, X * (1 + MShotAddDistance / 100)% will be added to the far one. Example: MShotAddDistance = 100, then the far boundary will be moved 2 times further than the upper boundary (+100%). The default is 0 – do not add anything.
MShotAddPriceBug: Modifier of parameters depending on PriceBug. The recommended value of this parameter is 0.2. Use it to buy further from the current price during exchange lags.
MShotSellAtLastPrice: after buying, put a sale at a price equal to the maximum of the strategy price (Sell Price) and the penultimate (4 seconds old, i.e. before the strike) ASK price, taking into account the correction (see below), YES/NO.
MShotSellPriceAdjust: Correction to the ASK price, (in %). To calculate the selling price the correction is subtracted from the ASK price. Example: ASK price at the moment of shooting was 1000 satoshi. Correction is set in 1%: 1000 – 1%=990 Satoshi. If MShotSellAtLastPrice = YES, then the bot will sell at the highest of the two prices: the first is the selling price according to the general strategy settings, the second is 990 satoshis.
MShotReplaceDelay: Delay in seconds before rearrangement of a buy order after the price falls to MShotPriceMin. In other words, when the price falls below MShotPriceMin, the price will not be repositioned immediately but after the specified time interval in seconds.
MShotRaiseWait: Delay in seconds before repositioning a buy order after the price rises in seconds.
MShotSortBy: Sort coins by the parameters that the MoonShot strategy selects to work on: Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta – by price delta (per 1m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 24h); DVolToHVolAsc by the ratio of daily to hourly volumes in ascending order; DVolToHVolDesc by the ratio of daily to hourly volumes in descending order; DailyVol, HourlyVol, MinuteVol, 3Min-Vol, 5Min-Vol – by volumes (for 24h, 1h, 1m, 3m, 5m); MaxOrder – by maximal order size; Orders – by number of orders; Session – by session; MaxPos – by maximal position; MarkPrice – by MarkPrice; Funding – by Funding; Leverage – by leverage size; Pump5m – by price growth delta for 5 minutes (counts as the difference between the price 5 minutes ago and the maximum price for 5 minutes); Pump1h – by price growth delta for an hour (counts as the difference between the price an hour ago and the maximum price for an hour); Dump1h – by price drop delta for an hour (counts as the difference between the price an hour ago and the minimum price for an hour); OrderBook (only for MoonStrike strategy owners) – by tumbler (coins with the thinnest tumbler are taken first).
MShotSortDesc: sorting direction of values in MShotSortBy parameters, if YES (default), then sort from higher to lower, if NO, then sort from lower to higher values.
MShotUsePrice: an order is placed at the MShotPrice distance, counting the price from the BID, ASK or Trade – counting the prices for rearrangement of orders from the price of the last trade.
In addition to the basic parameters, when activating the paid module, several new parameters are added to the MoonShot strategy parameters expanding the algorithm of its work, now the strategy can re-position MoonShot on the same coin without waiting for the sale of the first order.
MShotRepeatAfterBuy: To put repeated munshot after buying and placing sell order.
MShotRepeatIfProfit: %, condition on the current price for the repeat munshot: the price must be higher than the buy price by this percentage.
MShotRepeatWait: time in seconds, during which a repeat shot can be placed if the MShotRepeatIfProfit condition is met.
MShotRepeatDelay: the time in seconds to wait before placing a second re-shot.
A repeat munshot is placed only if the current price has become higher than the buy price by MShotRepeatIfProfit percent for MShotRepeatWait seconds.
The default values MShotRepeatIfProfit = 0, MShotRepeatWait = 5 mean:
“To re-shot if the current price has become higher than the purchase price within 5 seconds after the purchase”.
It is important, because of the frequent re-setting of orders (depends on the specific strategy settings, but in most cases it is so) is a load on the API keys and there is a chance to get a temporary ban from the exchange. Try to keep less than 30-35 active orders at one time. If that is not enough, you can run a part of orders on one API keys and another part on other API keys.
When working the MoonShot strategy on the futures market, observe the additional quantitative rules of placing orders, which were introduced by the Binance exchange.