What is the purpose of the Config field in the MoonBot terminal’s Manage Leverage button menu?

: Interface configuration

In the MoonBot terminal on the main screen, click on the “Show Markets” button and open the “MarketsTable” window. In the lower part of this table, click “Manage Leverage” and in the opened additional configuration you will see the Config field (configuration lines), in which the desired position limits are written, under which the maximum possible leverage will be adjusted.
The format of the configuration line is: (number) (list of coins with comma or space or the word def).
The word def means to apply this limit to all markets preceded by the word def and not explicitly listed in the configuration string, and the number 0 means not to manage leverage.

1) 10k def 30k BTC ETH (for BTC and ETH coins set the limit to 30000$, and for all other coins set the limit to 10000$)

2) 0 def 5k TRX LRC 10k ADA (for ADA coin set a limit of 10000$, for TRX and LRC coins set a limit of 5000$, and for all other coins do not set limits and do not manage shoulders).

After filling in the Config field and setting the associated ticks, click Apply to apply the changes to the settings.