Specific parameters of the Volumes strategy:
VolShortInterval: Short interval in seconds.
VolShortPriseRaise: Short interval price increase (can be set to 0).
VolLongInterval: Long interval in seconds.
VolBvShortToLong: The ratio of the buying volume (BV) on the short interval to the total volume per minute on the long interval (how many times one is greater than the other).
VolBvLongToHourlyMin: The ratio of the present volume on the long interval to the present hourly volume, not less.
VolBvLongToHourlyMax: Ratio of the present volume in the long interval to the present hourly volume, not more.
VolBvLongToDailyMin: Ratio of the present volume in the long interval to the present daily volume, not less.
VolBvLongToDailyMax: Ratio of the reduced volume in the long interval to the reduced daily volume, not more.
VolBvToSvShort: Ratio of BV to SV in a short interval.
VolBvShort: The volume of BV on the short interval, not less than (in the base currency).
VolBuyersShort: The number of buyers on the short interval.
VolSvLong: The volume to sell on the long interval, minus the short interval, not more than (in base currency).
VolTakeLongMaxP: Whether to take the MaxPrice price over the long interval (useful in case of false rises after a failure).
VolAtMinP: Volume in the green order book at the min. price level of the short interval (in the base currency).
VolAtMaxP: volume in the green order book at the level of the max price in the short interval (in the base currency).
VolDeltaAtMaxP: Volume in the green pile at the level of the max price in the short interval from the moment of detection to the moment of placing the order (the bot waits no more than 20 seconds to check, if the conditions have not worked, the order is not placed).
VolDeltaAtMinP: The dynamics in the green order book at the level of the min. price on the short interval.
volBidsDeep: Depth at which the green order book is looked at, percent of the current ASK.
volBids: Volume in the green order book at the given depth, (in base currency).
volAsksDeep: The height to which the red beaker is looking, percent of the current ASK.
volBidsToAsks: The ratio of the volume of BIDs to the volume of ASKs at the given depth and height, not less than.
What specific parameters does the Volumes strategy have?
Strategy settings