Specific parameters of the Waves strategy (designations: P – prices, V – volumes):
WavesT0: Interval T0 in seconds
WavesT1: Interval T1 in seconds
WavesT2: Interval T2 in seconds
WavesT3: T3 interval in seconds
WavesP1: Price change from the previous interval to the next one, percents. If a positive value is set, the growth is checked. If a negative value is set, the Fall is checked. If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesP2: Price change from the previous to the next interval, percents. If you set a positive value, the growth is checked. If you set a negative value, the fall is checked. If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesP3: Price change from the previous to the next interval, percents. If you set a positive value, the growth is checked. If you set a negative value, the fall is checked. If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesDelta0: Price change on the zero interval. (difference between max and min price within the zero interval in percent). If a positive value is set, the growth is checked (the measured delta is greater than the set delta). If you set a negative value, it checks for no growth (the measured delta is not greater than the given delta). For example, “-1” means that the fluctuation was not greater than 1%). If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesMaxSpike: Maximum difference between the maximal price on the interval and the average one (not more than, in %). It is necessary to exclude the overshoot.
WavesV1: Volume growth from the previous to the next interval. If a positive value is set, the growth is checked. If a negative value is set, the downfall is checked. If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesV2: Volume growth from the previous to the next interval. If you set a positive value, the growth is checked. If you set a negative value, the downfall is checked. If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesV3: Volume growth from the previous to the next interval. If you set a positive value, the growth is checked. If you set a negative value, the downfall is checked. If zero, the parameter is ignored.
WavesWeightedAvg: Method for calculation of average prices: if YES, it is considered a weighted average by volume per interval, if NO, it is an average by the number of trades per interval.
WavesReducedVolumes: If YES, volume per minute is considered. If NO – total volume on the interval.
What specific parameters does the Waves strategy have?
Strategy settings