What types of penalties are there in MoonBot strategies and what is their use?

: Strategy settings

MoonBot implements different types of pauses/penalty/penalty for strategies, so that strategies do not work for a certain amount of time in seconds, when a given condition occurs.

The basic parameters of such penalties are located on the Filters tab of each strategy https://moon-bot.com/en/manual/strategies/


Time, in seconds, during which the strategy will not work on a coin on which there were 3 consecutive minus trades or an order was canceled or manually placed.


Time in seconds during which the strategy will not work on the coin in which the trade was closed in minus.

Explanation: If there was a trade with losses (in any strategy, including manual), then strategies with TradePenaltyTime that is not 0 will not work on a coin for the set time TradePenaltyTime seconds.


The time, in seconds, in which the strategy will not work again after detecting, on the same coin.


The total per coin penalty for strategies of all types in seconds, that is, if one strategy is triggered on a given coin, the others will not trigger for the given time. If 0, the parameter is ignored.


Time in seconds that a strategy will not trigger again after it has failed to pass the BTC or market delta filter (if 0, parameter is ignored).

Penalty can be set to value = 0, then they won’t work or you can set the right time in seconds, according to your strategy algorithms.