If you have enabled the Activity strategy and ticked the box next to the Extended Debug Mode parameter on the Settings-Advanced-System tab, you can see a line on the coin chart with the parameters from the detection of this strategy. In your case, these parameters are deciphered as follows.
MM Detected: 16:51:27 Vol: 200 O: 32 [47, 24, 45] E: 29%
MM Detected: 16:51:27 is the time when the strategy Activity detected.
Vol: 200 is the volume (size) of the order in the series of approximately $200.
O: 32 – this is the number of orders in the series
[47, 24, 45] – this is how many orders of all sizes there were on each of the three 15-second intervals [15c=47orders, 15c=24orders, 15c=45orders]
E: 29% is the average ratio of the total number of orders to the number of orders in the series
After all comparisons, if the value of E satisfies the value for the detector, then the Activity strategy is triggered.
When the Activity strategy is enabled in the MoonBot terminal I see a line on the coin chart like: MM Detected: 16:51:27 Vol: 200 O: 32 [47, 24, 45] E: 29%, can you decipher the purpose of these parameters?
Strategy settings