To open the settings of the module for monitoring charts in separate windows (“monitoring windows”), right-click the “Yellow Star” button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal, which is located to the right of the coin entry field, and a separate menu with settings will open.
Show button: show previously created windows with charts.
Hide button: hide all windows with charts (the state of windows is memorized after restarting the terminal).
Clear button: clear and delete all windows with charts.
New button: add a new window with charts.
Add Markets button: copy all charts from the main MoonBot terminal window to the active chart window. The active chart window becomes active when you click on it; its number is written above the Add Markets button.
Refresh menu: set the auto-center interval of the chart windows. The following intervals are available: 5 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min, 15 min.
The Wide checkbox controls the formation of cells with charts: without the checkbox, a square table will be built in the window for cells with charts with NxN proportions; with the checkbox, if possible, a table will be built in the window for cells with charts with 16:9 proportions.
The Auto Resize checkbox controls automatic recalculation of cells when deleting charts. If it is checked, the cells will be recalculated when manually deleting a chart and if it is possible to reduce the table.
Example: the window had 9 charts open in a 3×3 table. You deleted 3 charts, leaving 6 remaining. Now you can put them into a 3×2 table, then with Auto Resize checked MoonBot terminal will do it automatically, but without Auto Resize checkbox, the cells will be recalculated only when you click the “Green Arrows” (Refresh) button in the window.
If you close a window that has at least one chart, it is not lost, but it is not deleted and can be reopened by pressing the Show button. If you close a window without charts, it is deleted completely.
StayOnTop checkbox: if checked, windows with charts will be on top of other windows.
The “Max NN charts per windows” slider allows you to limit the number of charts loaded into a window.
You can read more about the module for monitoring charts in separate windows on this page: