You can do this with the following trust management command: cmd_Buy [Price] [sell [Price]] [OrderSize X%] [Key ChannelKey], i.e. buy a coin at the specified price by the specified % of the set order. If there is no buy price in the command, the Buy order will be set according to the strategy settings of the slave terminal. If a sell price with the sell keyword is specified (e.g. buy NEO 7.15 sell +15% OrderSize 100%), the specified sell price will be substituted into the slave terminal strategy (this is equivalent to sending two commands: buy NEO 7.15 and cmd_UpdateSell 15%). The Key ChannelKey parameter (optional) is used to specify the strategy with the required ChannelKey. That is, it allows you to separate commands for different strategies in slave terminals. If it is not specified or there is no strategy with such a ChannelKey, the first strategy in the slave terminal will be selected.
Which MoonBot trust management command can I use to place a Buy order or immediately buy a coin to long, as well as to set SellPrice to the level I need?
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