On the Filters tab of the MoonBot strategy settings there is a PreventWorkingUntil parameter, which records the date and time in UNIX format until which the strategy will be stopped, for example the following value: PreventWorkingUntil=1668718421. If PreventWorkingUntil=0, the strategy is not stopped and is running normally. Usually this parameter is changed in the strategy remotely by sending a telegram command to stop or start strategies: sgStop [StrategyName] [time in minutes], sgStart [StrategyName]. The sgStop telegram command without specifying the time stops all strategies for 2 hours. You can also change the value of PreventWorkingUntil with the command: SetParam [StrategyName] PreventWorkingUntil 1668718421.
What is the purpose of the PreventWorkingUntil parameter on the Filters tab of the MoonBot terminal strategy settings?
Strategy settings