Why do I need the parameters of the Dynamic White\Black List section in the strategy settings?

: Strategy settings

 In the strategy settings of the MoonBot terminal, a section has been added for Dynamic White\Black List, which has the following parameters:
DynWL_SortBy: Selects the parameter for the dynamic white list made by sorting and taking the first DynWL_Count of coins. The following parameters can be sorted: Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta, DailyVol, HourtyVol, MinuteVol, 3Min-Vol, 5Min-Vol, MaxOrder, Orders, Session, MaxPos, MarkPrice, Funding, Leverage, Pump5m, Pump1h, Dump1h.
DynWL_SortDesc: Sort direction for the whitelist (if YES, from larger to smaller, if NO, from smaller to larger values).
DynWL_Count: How many coins passing through the filter to take from the sort to make a dynamic whitelist.
DynBL_SortBy: Selects the parameter for the dynamic blacklist made by sorting and taking the first DynBL_Count of coins. The following parameters can be sorted: Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta, DailyVol, HourtyVol, MinuteVol, 3Min-Vol, 5Min-Vol, MaxOrder, Orders, Session, MaxPos, MarkPrice, Funding, Leverage, Pump5m, Pump1h, Dump1h.
DynBL_SortDesc: Direction of coin sorting for the blacklist (if YES, from larger to smaller, if NO, from smaller to larger values).
DynBL_Count: How many coins passing through the filter to take from the sorting to make a dynamic blacklist.
Dyn_Refresh: The frequency of recalculation of the dynamic lists in seconds. Too frequent recalculation of the sorting loads the CPU and can lead to the exchange ban for frequent rearrangement of orders. We recommend using a value from 61 seconds.