Strategy settings

Is it possible to implement such an algorithm in the MoonBot terminal that when buying one coin, another coin that I need would be bought immediately on the trigger?

Yes, such an algorithm can be implemented and it can be useful, for example, if you know that some coins go the same way and when one coin pumps, after some time another coin starts to pump. Then you can set the detector on one “guide” coin, buy it or just give detector from it

Is it possible to implement such an algorithm in the MoonBot terminal that when buying one coin, another coin that I need would be bought immediately on the trigger? Read More »

What is the purpose of the DontTradeListing parameter in the strategy settings?

The DontTradeListing parameter of the strategy settings specifies the time in seconds during which the strategy will not trade coins on the listing. The maximum value of this parameter is 346k seconds (4 days). This parameter replaces the general settings in the MoonBot terminal on the Settings – Main tab with the “Dont buy newly

What is the purpose of the DontTradeListing parameter in the strategy settings? Read More »

What are the FilterBy, FilterMin and FilterMax parameters in the strategy settings?

These parameters are located on the Filters tab of the settings for all MoonBot terminal strategies: FilterBy: Selecting a parameter to filter – Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta – by price delta (for 1m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 24h); DVolToHVolAsc by the ratio of daily to hourly volumes in ascending order; DVolToHVolDesc

What are the FilterBy, FilterMin and FilterMax parameters in the strategy settings? Read More »

Why do I need the parameters of the Dynamic White\Black List section in the strategy settings?

 In the strategy settings of the MoonBot terminal, a section has been added for Dynamic White\Black List, which has the following parameters:DynWL_SortBy: Selects the parameter for the dynamic white list made by sorting and taking the first DynWL_Count of coins. The following parameters can be sorted: Last1mDelta, Last15mDelta, Last30mDelta, Last1hDelta, Last2hDelta, Last3hDelta, 24h-Delta, DailyVol, HourtyVol,

Why do I need the parameters of the Dynamic White\Black List section in the strategy settings? Read More »

What is the StopLossModifier parameter in the strategy settings for?

In the MoonBot terminal, in the strategy settings on the Delta Modifiers tab, there is a parameter StopLossModifier: this is the coefficient of addition of modifiers to the StopLoss value. The result is written to the log as: StopLoss adjusted [-1.00% – (10.00*0.98=9.75%) => -10.75%] – the stop from the strategy setting (-1%) adjusted by

What is the StopLossModifier parameter in the strategy settings for? Read More »