SellLevelRelative=NO/YES” parameter defines the selection of the count of SellLevelAjust percentage of the difference between the buy price and the maximum price for SellLevelTime seconds.
SellLevelDelay=5 (sec) after 5 seconds the Sell order will be reset
SellLevelTime=3600 (sec) the bot will calculate the maximal price for 3600 seconds
SellLevelCount=1 will be one attempt of re-setting a Sell order
SellLevelAdjust=50 (%) Sell order will be moved by 50% between the buy price and the maximal price for 3600 seconds (the parameter can be set negative for “Sell in green order book”)
SellLevelRelative=YES YES YES is the choice of the new variant of rearrangement of Sell order, if NO, it works according to the old one
SellLevelAllowedDrop=0 level below which a Sell order cannot be moved (it can be set negative)
This means that a Sell order can be set for example “at 50% of the hourly price maximum”, to which the price usually rolls back up. According to the old setting, we were not able to calculate the “half”, and now we can.
If you want to place a Sell order:
1) “at the double distance of the hourly maximum”, then SellLevelAdjust=200 (%)
2) “Exactly at one hour high”, then SellLevelAdjust=100 (%)
3) “Under the wall of the hourly maximum”, then SellLevelAdjust=99 (%)
4) “At half of the hourly maximum”, then SellLevelAdjust=50 (%)
5) “10% from the hourly maximum”, then SellLevelAdjust=10 (%)
6) “By 5% from the hourly maximum”, then SellLevelAdjust=5 (%)
7) “Close position in 5 seconds (SellLevelDelay=5)”, then SellLevelAdjust=-50 (%), i.e. in 5 seconds the Sell order will be moved down to the green order book by minus 50% of the difference between the buy price and the hourly maximum. At that SellLevelAllowedDrop should also be set negative.