The “Show market history” button is the second button to the right of the Auto button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal and it allows you to display and hide the crosses of trades on the chart. In other words, all these green and red crosses on the chart are trades – deals to buy or sell the market at a certain price. If we hide these crosses, we will see only the middle price line on the chart, the middle of the spread, but in this case, we will not see sharp upward passes or sharp downward breaks, which are important for correctly setting strategies. Such breakdowns can tell us the best distance to place Buy and Sell orders on this coin. The density of crosses indicates the activity on this coin, the more crosses and the closer they are to each other, the more interesting this coin is for traders and the higher the probability of increased volatility. Red crosses mean that someone sold a lot on the market, green ones mean that someone bought a lot on the market, and if you see almost a vertical series of crosses, this means that a large lot was sold and successive deals were made, first at one price, then at the second, then at the third and so on, gradually buying out all of the limit orders in the order book until the lot was finally sold. Most of the time, such overshoots will end up in a large limit order “wall”, which is a large limit position in the order book. So if you want to sell your position more quickly, place your Sell order just below the big limit wall order in the red order book, and place stops below the big limit wall order in the green order book.
What is the “Show market history” button on the main MoonBot terminal window for?
Interface configuration