Interface configuration

Is the Ignore Replacing Bug setting available in the MoonBot terminal for the HTX exchange?

In the latest versions of the MoonBot terminal for the HTX exchange, on the Settings – Advanced – Engine settings tab of the engine, the option to use the Ignore Replacing Bug setting to ignore or not the bug of hung orders (errors with status 499, 12030, 10054, etc.) has been added. We recommend updating

Is the Ignore Replacing Bug setting available in the MoonBot terminal for the HTX exchange? Read More »

Previously, the MoonBot terminal for the Binace exchange was able to select BUSD pairs for trading, but in new versions this option has disappeared, what is the reason for this?

The Binance exchange began to abandon trading on BUSD pairs and actively moved to trading on USDC pairs, so in the latest versions of the MoonBot terminal BUSD pairs were excluded from support and USDC pairs were added.

Previously, the MoonBot terminal for the Binace exchange was able to select BUSD pairs for trading, but in new versions this option has disappeared, what is the reason for this? Read More »