Interface configuration

At the bottom of the Moonbot terminal there are numbers next to the ping value, O, E. How do they translate?

Ping is the response from your computer to the exchange, the lower the value the better, MoonBot will be able to place orders, buy and sell coins faster. For a local computer, ping can be up to 500 ms, for remote servers the ping is usually 10 to 30ms, so for autotrading MoonBot is usually […]

At the bottom of the Moonbot terminal there are numbers next to the ping value, O, E. How do they translate? Read More »

At the bottom of the Moonbot terminal there is a value with an API Load and an indicator that sometimes lights up green and sometimes red, what is it?

The “API Load” is the API load indicator. When you open new charts and place new orders, the scale will gradually fill up. If it is green, the load is small and within acceptable range, but if it is red and you hear a beep, it signals that the current API load is high or

At the bottom of the Moonbot terminal there is a value with an API Load and an indicator that sometimes lights up green and sometimes red, what is it? Read More »

I want to add comments on a large number of coins in the MoonBot terminal, can I do this not one at a time but as a list?

If you want to make comments not manually one by one, but at once for some sample of coins, e.g. mark all football tokens, or all futures coins, or make a different entry for each coin from their archives, you can do this in a list. To do this, write the data \ CoinsComments.txt file

I want to add comments on a large number of coins in the MoonBot terminal, can I do this not one at a time but as a list? Read More »

I had a dark theme and the commentary on the coin was yellow, now switched to a light theme but the yellow commentary remains and is not readable, which can be done?

If you change the design theme in the bot, first the comment colour remains from the old theme, to update the comment colour you need to reopen this coin chart already in the new theme. The correct comment colours are yellow for dark themes and dark blue for light themes.

I had a dark theme and the commentary on the coin was yellow, now switched to a light theme but the yellow commentary remains and is not readable, which can be done? Read More »

I’ve lost the “Comment (double-click to edit)” on the coin on the right-hand control panel of the MoonBot main terminal window that I could click on to add a comment – is this normal?

When you make a comment on a coin and then delete it, the “Comment (double-click to edit)” will be automatically removed from it. In addition, after restarting the bot, the “Comment (double-click to edit)” will not appear on all coins, even those without a comment edit, as this implies that you have found and used

I’ve lost the “Comment (double-click to edit)” on the coin on the right-hand control panel of the MoonBot main terminal window that I could click on to add a comment – is this normal? Read More »

What functionality do the buttons on the right- hand side of the main MoonBot terminal window have?

On the right side of the MoonBot main window you can see red (sellers) and green (buyers) Order Book with horizontal bars showing the limit orders of other traders. The longer the line, the larger order is in the Order Book. On the right side there is more information with the pair name and on

What functionality do the buttons on the right- hand side of the main MoonBot terminal window have? Read More »

The “Mode:…” button on the MoonBot terminal’s main window has two values “Mode: Signals” or “Mode: Manual”. What is the difference between them?

For manual trading, you can activate “Mode: Manual” or “Mode: Signals” in both cases you will be able to place orders manually and buy and sell coins. <br />For automatic strategies, it is mandatory to switch the button to “Mode: Signals”, as only in this mode, auto strategies are allowed to buy, but of course,

The “Mode:…” button on the MoonBot terminal’s main window has two values “Mode: Signals” or “Mode: Manual”. What is the difference between them? Read More »