Strategy settings

Give me an example of Pump strategy settings?

Example: PumpPriceInterval=4(sec), PumpPriceRaise=2(%), PumpBuysPerSec=5, PumpVolPerSec=1 (BTC), PumpBuyersPerSecMin=2, PumpBuyersPerSecMax=100, PumpVolEMA=2 (sec), PumpBuyersInterval=1. With this setting, the MoonBot terminal will scan all coins that fit the common filters. As soon as it notices that in the last 4 seconds (PumpPriceInterval=4) the price has increased by 2% or more (PumpPriceRaise=2), with at least 1 BTC purchased from the

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How can I protect myself from buying on the very top of the pit in Pump?

Use the PumpUsePrevBuyPrice: Use 2-second price if not specified to use 30-second price) parameter for this purpose. The default is on. This setting protects against buying at the very top of the shootout. It was always on programmatically before this setting, so the behavior of the strategy will change when it is disabled! When disabled,

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