It is not possible to get the full PRO version of the MoonBot terminal for free testing. For a trial period and to get acquainted with the basic functionality of the MoonBot terminal, we offer to download and install the free FREE version of the software. But we also have regular competitions, where users of free FREE version MoonBot can win full package of PRO version MoonBot for 1 month, during which you can test full functionality of MoonBot terminal.
Contest rules:
1) The competition starts on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, at 00:01 GMT+0, and runs for exactly one week.
2) Only users of the free FREE version of the MoonBot terminal can participate and all trading methods are allowed – manual, auto by strategy, by signal, etc.
3) A current version of the MoonBot terminal is required, with a valid Telegram handle to contact you.
4) The top three winners are selected on the basis of the largest weekly profits in USD, whereas the minimum number of orders must be at least 50 and the minimum profit at least 20 USD.
1 place: 1 month activation of MoonBot PRO + Moon Scalper + Binance Futures and 2 weeks access to the MoonBot Academy English closed group
2 place: 2 weeks access to the MoonBot Academy English closed group
3 place: 1 weeks access to the MoonBot Academy English closed group
Read more about the conditions of the competition on this page of our website:
Can I get the full PRO version of the MoonBot terminal for a while?
General questions