Yes, you can. MoonBot terminal control commands via Telegram can be specified with the prefix botname:name, in this case only the terminal with the specified name will accept the command, and other terminals will have a record in the log that the command is ignored.
For example, if you send the command “botname:MOONBOT1 STOP” to terminal MOONBOT1, it will execute this command, but other terminals will not execute the command and their logs will have a record like this (for example, below is the line in the log for terminal MOONBOT2):
Remote command for other bot received: “botname:MOONBOT1 STOP” (this bot name: MOONBOT2).
You can put the terminal address either before or after the main command and the command will be executed:
“botname:MOONBOT1 STOP” or “STOP botname:MOONBOT1″
In this way you can clone terminals with the same strategy names and folders, but you can only change parameters or control functionality of a terminal with a specific name.