Yes, it is possible, for this purpose use telegram commands to stop and start strategies for the time you need: sgStop and sgStart. In the Filters section there is a PreventWorkingUntil parameter, which by default = 0, and when you send a command via telegram, this parameter contains a long number in UNIX format, until which the strategy will be stopped.
Command syntax for stopping and starting strategies:
sgStop [Strategy Name/Folder Name] [time in minutes]
example: sgStop DROPS 30
stop the DROPS strategy for 30 minutes (the countdown time on the chart will be in seconds)
sgStop [Strategy/Folder Name] (no time)
stops the strategy or strategies in the folder for 120 minutes
example: sgStop DROPSFOLDER
stop all strategies in the DROPSFOLDER folder for 120 minutes (the countdown time on the chart will be in seconds)
sgStart [Strategy Name/Folder Name]
starts the strategy or all strategies in the folder
example: sgStart DROPSFOLDER
reset all stop penalties previously received from telegram by sgStop and allow all strategies in the DROPSFOLDER folder to run. In this case, the strategies that were targeted by the sgStart command will have zero (PreventWorkingUntil=0) written to the PreventWorkingUntil parameter, which will allow the strategies to work.
Commands and strategy/folder names can be written without case – everything will work correctly.