I can’t connect MoonBot, after entering API I see below connection methods Status 451. http Error and in the log Last Error: Cant get Binance server time. Status: 451 HTTP Error, what does it mean and how to fix it?

: Log errors

The “Error 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons” means that the connection is “Unavailable For Legal Reasons”. – is a standard HTTP response code, which means that access to the resource you’re trying to connect to is blocked due to restrictions or sanctions. Then there will be a log entry like: Service unavailable from a restricted location according to ‘b. Eligibility’ in https://www.binance.com/en/terms. Please contact customer service if you believe you received this message in error, with a link to the rules of the exchanger, which explains the reasons for restrictions.

To fix it, use a Proxy connection or install MoonBot on the server with the IP of a country which does not have restrictions for trading. In addition, you can contact the technical support of the exchange for a more detailed explanation.