The MoonBot terminal can automatically generate and accept commands corresponding to basic actions: placing, rearranging orders, selling, canceling orders, and more. Commands are sent to your personal channel in a special form, in which they can be read by other bots. Thus, your bot is the master, bots of other users whom you have invited to your channel are slaves, they will repeat your actions.
The cant parse, will skip logging error occurs when the MoonBot cannot recognize a command for several reasons:
– You made a mistake in command syntax.
– You typed the name of the coin wrong (in your case, the name 1000SHIBA is wrong, the correct spelling is coin without A -> 1000SHIB).
– There is a symbol close to the name of the coin (for example, the command specifies BTC], this is not correct because there is a closing square bracket close to the name of the coin, the correct spelling is BTC ], that is, the name of the coin should be indented left and right with spaces).
Coin – Coin;
Price – price, can be set as an absolute value or percentage;
X – % of the order size from the whole deposit;
< > – mandatory parameter,
[ ] – optional parameter.
Letter (M) after command description means that this command is not sent automatically (you can write it manually).
Note: it is important to respect the case of letters in writing the command and do not write brackets in the command – in the example they are given to indicate variable parameters and syntax!
An example of coin buy command syntax:
cmd_Buy <Coin> [Price] [sell [Price] [OrderSize X%] [Key ChannelKey] – Buy a coin at the specified price by the specified % of the set order.
If there is no specified price [Price], then according to the slave bot’s strategy settings.
If the sale price with the sell keyword is specified, for example: buy NEO 0.048 sell +15% OrderSize 100%, then the specified sale price will be substituted in the slave bot strategy. So it is equivalent to two commands: buy NEO 0.048 and cmd_UpdateSell 15%.
Parameter Key ChannelKey (optional) is used to specify a strategy with the desired ChannelKey. That is, it allows you to divide commands by strategies. If it is not specified, or there is no strategy with this ChannelKey, the first strategy on the list will be selected.
If you use key in the strategies to divide the commands, the command must be written in full format, for example cmd_Buy BTC 1% sell 1% OrderSize 100% Key Kup, where Kup – is ChannelKey.
The full syntax of commands is spelled out on the page of our website “Asset Management”:
In the log I saw a record of the following form: Tlg Cmd: cmd_Buy 1000SHIBA Key GC (cant parse, will skip) and the command is not executed, what does it mean and how to fix the error?
Log errors