I have appeared in the MoonBot terminal a manual strategy “SafeGuard”, which I have not configured. What is this strategy and where did it come from?

: Strategy settings

The MoonBot terminal features the Control hanged positions feature, which is only available in the PRO version.

The Control hanged positions feature is enabled in “Settings – Advanced – Hang Control”.

How it works: MoonBot monitors the account balance and all orders on the account. Once a second, it checks the size of the open position against the amount of all orders to close.

If the difference is not zero within 10 seconds, the difference is considered to be a hanging position. In this case, the minimum difference over the last 5 seconds is taken (that is, if you have opened and closed orders more often than once in 5 seconds, the smallest balance which was not in orders is considered as the “hung” position).

When a pending position is detected, MoonBot sends a notification to Telegram (Report to Telegram option) and/ or automatically sells the position (AutoSell option).

AutoSell is performed using a special manual strategy called SafeGuard. A SafeGuard strategy is created by the MoonBot with the “Watching over hanging positions” option automatically the first time you sell, after which you can edit its settings.

You can remove this strategy from the list, but it will be automatically created again by the MoonBot if this terminal continues to be used as a “watchdog” terminal.

Read more about the “Control hanged position” functionality on our website: https://moon-bot.com/en/control-hanged-position/