BV_SV is the ratio of buying volume (BuyVolume) to selling volume (SellVolume). For example, if BV_SV = 0.5, the volume of bought coins is twice less than sold, and this may be a sign of falling prices. If BV_SV=1, then the volume of bought coins is equal to the volume of sold coins and there is parity of buyers and sellers. If BV_SV=2, then the volume of bought coins is twice more than the volume of sold coins, and this can be a sign of price growth. And then, according to the trader’s algorithms, he, for example, sees that the value has fallen to BV_SV=0.5, the volume of purchases has fallen, and the volume of sales has grown, the price is falling and you should sell the position in this case. This is where the BV_SV values of stops on the Stops tab of the strategy settings help him.
What is the purpose of the BV_SV settings on the Stops tab?
Strategy settings