What is the purpose of the Liquidations strategy and what specific parameters does it have?

: Strategy settings

Specific parameters of the Liquidations strategy:
LiqTime: The interval of liquidations counting, seconds;
LiqCount: The number of liquidations in the interval (if 0, then it is not counted);
LiqVolumeMin: The minimum volume of liquidations for the specified interval, in USDT (if 0, then it is not counted);
LiqVolumeMax: Maximum volume of liquidations for a specified interval, in USDT (if 0, then it is not taken into account);
LiqWaitTime: The waiting time after detecting the absence of new liquidations, ms;
LiqWithinTime: The time from the last elimination not more than, in milliseconds (if 0, then it is not counted);
LiqDirection: Direction: (Both – any, OnlyShort – only shorts will be considered, OnlyLong – only longs will be considered, Combo – 2 opposite in a row, Twice – 2 identical in a row);
LiqSameDirection: Place an order of the same or opposite direction; YES – the placed order will be of the same direction, NO – of the opposite direction;
Liq_BV_SV_Time: Time for volume calculation, in milliseconds;
Liq_BV_SV_Filter: the threshold value bv\sv, (if 0, it is ignored).