This strategy is included in the module “Binance Futures” and is available to all who activated this module, including during the trial period.
The essence of the strategy: the liquidations, their number, total volume (in USDT) and direction (liquidation of short or long positions) are checked for a given time interval.
If LiqWaitTime > 0, the absence of new liquidations is also checked for a specified time (in ms).
Depending on LiqDirection, the strategy may trigger not only a single detection within the LiqTime interval, but also check combinations of consecutive detections (the minimum time between detections is set in the NextDetectPenalty filters, the maximum time is not limited): liquidations (short, long), (long, short), (short, short), (long, long).
For example: with LiqDirection Twice, the strategy will only work if two detects of the same type (either shorts or longs) occur in a row, with an interval between them no less than NextDetectPenalty; the interval for the detects themselves is set in LiqTime.
Currently, the strategy may not work quite correctly due to not quite accurate data on the values of liquidations, which is sent by the exchange Binance.
When should the Liquidations strategy be used?
Strategy settings