The MoonBot communicates with an exchange via an exchange API, which requires API Keys to access the API. The first time the MoonBot terminal is launched, API keys are required, which consist of a pair of API Keys and an API Secret.
The API Key is a public key and is used to register the MoonBot terminal.
API Secret is a private key used to sign orders. The private key is stored locally on your computer in encrypted form in the file BotConfig.bcfg, which MoonBot creates automatically. The private key is not transferred to the Internet!
To register API keys in the MoonBot terminal you need to go to the Settings – Login tab and from the “Exchange:” menu select the exchange you want to trade, for example, if it is “Binance (spot market)”, then select “Binance” and click Apply.
Enter the API Key in the “API Key” field.
Enter the API Secret private key in the “API Secret” field. And then click the “Register API keys” button.
If the keys are entered correctly, MoonBot will connect to the exchange server, your MoonBot ID will be displayed in the settings window and the main window will show “Connection OK” in the lower left corner. You do not need to re-enter the keys on subsequent runs of the bot.
Step-by-step instructions for creating and registering API keys are published on our website here:
Where do I enter the API keys in the MoonBot terminal and what is the sequence?
Interface configuration