Control via Telegram

Which MoonBot trust management command can I use to place a Buy order or immediately buy a coin to long, as well as to set SellPrice to the level I need?

You can do this with the following trust management command: cmd_Buy [Price] [sell [Price]] [OrderSize X%] [Key ChannelKey], i.e. buy a coin at the specified price by the specified % of the set order. If there is no buy price in the command, the Buy order will be set according to the strategy settings of […]

Which MoonBot trust management command can I use to place a Buy order or immediately buy a coin to long, as well as to set SellPrice to the level I need? Read More »

I bought a coin using remote control command and I want to enable stop loss using trust command at a certain price, but when I send a command of the form cmd_SetStop BNB 215, the stop loss does not appear and is not moved to that price, what could be the problem?

The cmd_SetStop trust management command does not include a stop loss, it can only move a previously set stop loss to a specified price. You should check in the strategy that accepts your trust management commands on the Stops tab that the UseStopLoss=YES parameter is ticked so that after buying a coin a stop loss

I bought a coin using remote control command and I want to enable stop loss using trust command at a certain price, but when I send a command of the form cmd_SetStop BNB 215, the stop loss does not appear and is not moved to that price, what could be the problem? Read More »

How do I configure receiving and processing trust management commands for a MoonBot slave terminal (Slave)?

In order for MoonBot slave terminals (Slave) that read your control Telegram channel to which Trust commands are sent to be able to accept them, you need to create strategies in them to read this channel and set the AcceptCommands=YES parameter in them on the Main tab. If you use a key in your strategies

How do I configure receiving and processing trust management commands for a MoonBot slave terminal (Slave)? Read More »

I already converted small amounts of coins to BNB in the morning with the help of telegram command “ConvertBNB”, I am trying to convert again in the evening, but nothing happens, what is the problem?

After submitting the ConvertBNB telegram command, the MoonBot terminal sends a request to the Binance exchange to convert small balances of coins. Such conversion can be done no more than once a day.

I already converted small amounts of coins to BNB in the morning with the help of telegram command “ConvertBNB”, I am trying to convert again in the evening, but nothing happens, what is the problem? Read More »