General errors

The MoonBot terminal hangs and does not respond to any button presses and cannot interact with it in any way, what to do?

1) Perhaps some bot menu is open and it is behind the main bot window or out of the monitor area. In this case, you need to press the combination Ctrl+Shift+F10, which moves the active window on top of all the windows in the main monitor area, then close this window and the bot will […]

The MoonBot terminal hangs and does not respond to any button presses and cannot interact with it in any way, what to do? Read More »

When I close and reopen the MoonBot terminal, all lines on the chart are erased, the session is reset, strategies are not saved. What is the problem?

The problem lies in the Windows system prohibiting you from writing files in the folder where MoonBot is installed, because the guidelines for its placement on the computer are violated. a) Do not run the MoonBot terminal from the archive; b) do not unpack MoonBot to the desktop, temporary or system folders in your operating

When I close and reopen the MoonBot terminal, all lines on the chart are erased, the session is reset, strategies are not saved. What is the problem? Read More »

I have lost crosses (trades on the chart), what happens and how to fix it?

MoonBot receives all trades in real time via the websocket protocol. Their absence on the chart indicates that MoonBot does not receive them. If the chart is missing crosses (trades), it may mean that the MoonBot terminal lost connection with the exchange due to Internet problems, lagging exchange, problems with antivirus or firewall on your

I have lost crosses (trades on the chart), what happens and how to fix it? Read More »

Sometimes a red “Clock Accuracy is BAD” sign appears at the bottom of the Moonbot terminal, what does it mean and how can I fix it?

For stable MoonBot operation, the clock accuracy must be within plus or minus 50 ms. If the value is much higher, or if the “Clock Accuracy is BAD” message is lit in red, it will cause artifacts on the chart (layering and overlapping of trades). To fix this situation, restart MoonBot as an administrator to

Sometimes a red “Clock Accuracy is BAD” sign appears at the bottom of the Moonbot terminal, what does it mean and how can I fix it? Read More »

MoonBot terminal doesn’t connect to an exchange and writes API key error, what do I do?

If the MoonBot terminal does not connect to the exchange and you see in the Settings – Login tab the inscription “Enter the correct API keys” in the upper left corner, then this error may be due to several reasons: <br /> 1) You are incorrectly entering API keys in the corresponding fields API key

MoonBot terminal doesn’t connect to an exchange and writes API key error, what do I do? Read More »

In the MoonBot terminal, the Start button constantly turns off and lights up green. It is impossible to trade, what to do?

If you periodically have the Start button pressed and the MoonBot terminal stops working, the reasons for the stops should be looked for in the log and then in the “Settings – Autostart” tab, where you need to check the checkboxes on the following items: 1) In the parameters “Stop If loss greater then”: you

In the MoonBot terminal, the Start button constantly turns off and lights up green. It is impossible to trade, what to do? Read More »

I copied the MoonBot terminal, I want to enter new APIs, but I can’t delete the old ones, pressing Delete, BackSpace to clear doesn’t help, what do I do?

In order to enter new API keys, you first need to click on “Register another keys”, then enter the new API keys in the appropriate fields and then click on “Register API keys”.

I copied the MoonBot terminal, I want to enter new APIs, but I can’t delete the old ones, pressing Delete, BackSpace to clear doesn’t help, what do I do? Read More »