Log entries

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw the following entry: Initial BuyPrice changed during BuyDelay, what does it mean?

When using the MoonHook strategy, if the strategy has a delay in order placement in the BuyDelay parameter and during this delay the price of the order went out of the corridor before placing the order, the price is recalculated and an information record is made in the log like: Initial BuyPrice changed during BuyDelay.

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw the following entry: Initial BuyPrice changed during BuyDelay, what does it mean? Read More »

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw entries like: Tlg cmd_Upd_UpdateLowerPriceWords wait dip,for dip,when dumped,when dumped and Command: Command: Global settings LowerPriceWords updated, what do they mean?

A record of the following form: Tlg cmd_UpdateLowerPriceWords wait dip,for dip,when dump,when dumped means that a command was sent to the MoonBot terminal from the controlling Telegram channel to update the list of words in the “Words at which to buy at lower price” field on the Settings-AutoBuy tab, and a record of the following

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw entries like: Tlg cmd_Upd_UpdateLowerPriceWords wait dip,for dip,when dumped,when dumped and Command: Command: Global settings LowerPriceWords updated, what do they mean? Read More »

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw entries like: Tlg cmd_UpdateTokenTags #,USDT and Command: Global settings tags updated, what do they mean?

A record like: Tlg Cmd: Tlg cmd_UpdateTokenTags #,USDT means that a command was sent to the MoonBot terminal from the controlling Telegram channel to change the tags in the field under the parameter “Buy coins with tags” on the Settings-AutoBuy tab, and a record like: Command: Global settings tags updated means that the terminal executed

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw entries like: Tlg cmd_UpdateTokenTags #,USDT and Command: Global settings tags updated, what do they mean? Read More »

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw entries like: Tlg Cmd: cmd_UpdateKeyWords BUY and Command: Global settings keyword updated, what do they mean?

A record like: Tlg Cmd: cmd_UpdateKeyWords BUY means that a command was sent to the MoonBot terminal from the controlling Telegram channel to change the keyword to the Long position (to the word BUY), and a record like: Global settings keyword updated means that the terminal executed it and updated the keyword to Long.

In the MoonBot terminal log I saw entries like: Tlg Cmd: cmd_UpdateKeyWords BUY and Command: Global settings keyword updated, what do they mean? Read More »

In the terminal log MoonBot saw entries like: Tlg Cmd: cmd_UpdateBlackWords called,gave,told,told,dont,don’t,reached and Command: Global settings blackwords updated, what do they mean?

A record of the following form: Tlg Cmd: Cmd: cmd_UpdateBlackWords called,given,told,dont,don’t,reached means that a command to update stop words in the “Words in message at which NOT to buy” field on the Settings-AutoBuy tab was sent to the MoonBot terminal from the controlling Telegram channel, and a record of the following form: Command: Global settings

In the terminal log MoonBot saw entries like: Tlg Cmd: cmd_UpdateBlackWords called,gave,told,told,dont,don’t,reached and Command: Global settings blackwords updated, what do they mean? Read More »

In the log I saw entries like: [Memory] UsedMem App: 1916 Sys: 678 FreeMem Phys: 6093 Page: 4324, how do I react to such messages and whether it can be disabled?

This is an informational message from the MoonBot terminal, in which it logs every 15 minutes about memory usage during its operation. You cannot disable the logging of these messages.

In the log I saw entries like: [Memory] UsedMem App: 1916 Sys: 678 FreeMem Phys: 6093 Page: 4324, how do I react to such messages and whether it can be disabled? Read More »

In the log I saw a record of the following form: Sell-Level Replacing…. (300 sec maxPrice: 9.1998, new sell price: 9.1538), what does it mean?

This entry informs you that there was a Sell move in MoonBot according to the algorithm in the strategy setup. The Sell order tab determined the maximum price for the last 300 seconds (SellLevelTime=300), which was maxPrice: 9.1998. Then we corrected and set the Sell order to the level “from the maximum price for 300

In the log I saw a record of the following form: Sell-Level Replacing…. (300 sec maxPrice: 9.1998, new sell price: 9.1538), what does it mean? Read More »