Can you tell me how to connect MoonBot using the web hooks from TradingView?

: Interface configuration

Web hooks allow you to send a POST request to a specific URL each time an alert you set in TradingView is triggered. This feature can be enabled when creating or editing an alert in TradingView. Add the correct URL taken from the MoonBot terminal settings, and when an alert is triggered your command will instantly be sent to the MoonBot for execution.

Configure MoonBot to receive WebHook commands.
 Go to the Settings – AutoBuy tab and check the “Detect by TV WebHook” box.
 To the right of this item you will see the URL you want to use when setting up notifications in TradingView.
 Also it is necessary to make some adjustments for MoonBot terminal to read tokens in messages:
 1) Check the “Advanced filter” checkbox
 2) Check the “Keywords (comma separated) in Long signal” box, unless you are using the keywords in the message as a filter.
 3) The checkbox “Buy tokens tagged with” is needed to buy on messages where the token is specified as ***BTC. To do this you need to put # in front of the token to get for example: #ALGOBTC. Without this checkbox, MoonBot can buy if the message contains just a token, for example: ALGO.
 4) The rest of the parameters are described on our website and you can configure them as you wish.
 There are many options for messages and settings, you can customize them as you like.
 Please note, the bot will not buy messages with such ALGOBTC token, you will need to remove the VTC or set the # tag, as described above.
 Next, you need to configure the Telegram strategy as for normal Telegram signals using regular messages or you need to put a tick in the Menu strategy settings – AcceptCommands=YES to accept trust management commands in the messages.
 Read more on this topic here:
 Please note that you need to activate it in the MoonBot terminal in the Settings – Unlock tab for 100 Moon Credits in order to use the functionality of receiving commands instantly from TradingView with webhooks.