I heard that there is a Telegram channel @MoonInt where signals are published, what kind of channel is it?

: MoonBot and Telegram

The trading terminal has a “Share” button on the left side of the trading control panel.

How it works: a trader who finds a coin interesting for the community, presses the “Share” button, and the bot sends a short message to the common Telegram channel @MoonInt. The message contains the name of the coin, some of its parameters, the reg ID of the trader, his name and rating.

 The name and login of the trader for the post in the channel is taken from the settings of the bot, Settings – Login page.
 Only 1 bot on 1 computer can send signals using the “Share” button.

 You can not only send signals to the @MoonInt channel, but also read messages from it. It is recommended to set the strategy to read this channel without auto-purchase, with an audible notification. You can use keywords in messages in the signal filter, for example accept only messages from users with a rating of 5.

To use the service (send coins and read @MoonInt channel bot) you need your consent to send debugging data to our server. Open page “Settings – Login” and check “I agree to send debug data to bot’s server”. The bot will send to our server the data needed to calculate the rating: the results (plus or minus) for each closed trade, the name of the coin, the time of opening and closing the order.

The rating is calculated on the basis of trades of other users who used the signal (i.e. opened an order based on this signal). The rating varies from 0 to 5 and is initially assigned a rating of 1. The rating calculation algorithm is not disclosed and can change following the test results without notice.

You can read more on this page of our website: https://moon-bot.com/en/73-social-trading/