When there may be lags and multiple Moonbot terminals may intercept orders from each other, which may lead to unpredictable consequences, this of course happens very rarely, but under the right circumstances it is possible, and when using multiple orders, the probability of such cases increases many times over. In this case, use “tracking bots” that can search for hanged positions and sell them in a timely manner. You can read more about it here: https://moon-bot.com/en/control-hanged-position/
When trading futures, there is another important circumstance: 2 MoonBot terminals operating independently on the same coin may cumulatively exceed the position limit, resulting in an inability to place a close order.
If you do run several bots on 1 account (at your own risk), be sure to use different size orders on them. When working with the same orders the probability of failure and loss of an order is much higher!
What are the dangers of running multiple copies of the MoonBot terminal at the same time?
General questions