Control via Telegram

Can I send a control command via Telegram only to a specific MoonBot terminal?

Yes, you can. MoonBot terminal control commands via Telegram can be specified with the prefix botname:name, in this case only the terminal with the specified name will accept the command, and other terminals will have a record in the log that the command is ignored. For example, if you send the command “botname:MOONBOT1 STOP” to […]

Can I send a control command via Telegram only to a specific MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Can I use a Telegram command to control whether to enable or disable Auto Leverage functionality in a MoonBot terminal?

In the MoonBot terminal on the Settings-Advanced-Engine settings tab there is an Auto Leverage parameter, which, when ticked, allows auto leverage changes up to x5 in case of exceeding the position limit. The Auto Leverage setting acts independently of the new Auto Leverage algorithm (in the Leverage Setup menu) and reduces the leverage in case

Can I use a Telegram command to control whether to enable or disable Auto Leverage functionality in a MoonBot terminal? Read More »

Does the MoonBot terminal have an internal limit on the number of screenshots I can send to the Telegram channel per unit of time?

MoonBot terminal has a built-in limit on sending screenshots to the Telegram channel, which does not allow you to send more than 20 screenshots per minute. This is done on purpose to avoid getting banned under the conditions of the allowed frequency of sending screenshots to the Telegram channel.

Does the MoonBot terminal have an internal limit on the number of screenshots I can send to the Telegram channel per unit of time? Read More »

Is it possible to quickly stop one or all strategies in the MoonBot terminal for some time?

Yes, it is possible, for this purpose use telegram commands to stop and start strategies for the time you need: sgStop and sgStart. In the Filters section there is a PreventWorkingUntil parameter, which by default = 0, and when you send a command via telegram, this parameter contains a long number in UNIX format, until

Is it possible to quickly stop one or all strategies in the MoonBot terminal for some time? Read More »

I want to send different remote control commands to different strategies for the MoonBot Slave Terminal, what do I need to do to do this?

You need to create several Telegram strategies in the MoonBot slave terminal that read commands from the controlling Telegram channel and specify a different keyword for each of them in the ChannelKey parameter. For example, for the first strategy it will be the word ST1 (ChannelKey=ST1) and for the second strategy it will be ST2

I want to send different remote control commands to different strategies for the MoonBot Slave Terminal, what do I need to do to do this? Read More »

Which MoonBot terminal trust command can I use to update the list of tags that should be used to buy a coin in a signal?

You can do it using the following trust management command: cmd_UpdateTokenTags – update the list of tokens on the Settings-AutoBuy tab in the field under the “Buy tokens tagged with” parameter. Words are specified with a comma after this command, for example: cmd_UpdateTokenTags #,USDT. This command is not sent automatically and you can write it

Which MoonBot terminal trust command can I use to update the list of tags that should be used to buy a coin in a signal? Read More »

Which MoonBot trust management command can I use to update the list of stop words in the signal not to buy a coin?

You can do this using the following trust management command: cmd_UpdateBlackWords – update the list of stop words on the Settings-AutoBuy tab in the “Blackwords (comma separated) in message” field. Stop words are specified with a comma after the command, for example: cmd_UpdateBlackWords called,given,told,dont,don’t,reached. This command is not sent automatically and you can write it

Which MoonBot trust management command can I use to update the list of stop words in the signal not to buy a coin? Read More »

Which MoonBot trust command can I use to update the list of words that signal to buy a coin at the lowest price?

You can do it using the following command: cmd_UpdateLowerPriceWords – update the list of words on the Settings-AutoBuy tab in the “Words in message to buy at lower price” field. Words are specified with a comma after this command, for example: cmd_UpdateLowerPriceWords wait dip,for dip,when dump,when dumped. This command is not sent automatically and you

Which MoonBot trust command can I use to update the list of words that signal to buy a coin at the lowest price? Read More »

Which MoonBot trust command can I use to change the stop loss value in a slave strategy?

You can do it using the following command: cmd_UpdateStopLoss [AllowedDrop] – change the value of stop loss in the strategy of the Slave terminal. The price must be specified in per cent (from the buy price), the % sign after the number is mandatory! The optional second parameter – AllowedDrop, is also set in per

Which MoonBot trust command can I use to change the stop loss value in a slave strategy? Read More »