• MoonBot on ByBit currently supports spot market and linear futures. Inverse Contracts are not supported.
  • Cross and Isolated Margin in one way modes are available on linear futures.
  • Hedge mode is currently not supported.

Bybit module activation conditions.

  1. To trade on futures you must have the "Binance Futures" module activated (Settings - PRO).
  2. Activation is possible only for accounts registered through the referral link
  3. Activation is done through the Moon Credits window (instructions below) and costs 500 Moon Credits for the main account, the same price for each sub-account.
  4. Mooncredits are available only for PRO MoonBot users (before activating ByBit, you must have the PRO version of the terminal from any other exchange activated).

Instructions on how to register and create API keys on ByBit.

Registration on the exchange should be done using the promo code "JOINMOONBOT" or by following the link

Immediately after registration you need to change the account type to UTA. You will be prompted to do this at the first login to your personal cabinet.

Before creating API-keys you need to pass verification (KYC). Without this, the keys will not have the rights to perform trading operations.

Select System-generated API Keys.

Check the Read-Write checkbox.

Set all the checkboxes on the key rights except the checkbox for withdrawal.

IP whitelisting is not necessary, but it is highly desirable. Without whitelisting the keys will be valid for 90 days.

Instructions for registering a ByBit key in MoonBot.

  1. Make a copy of the working folder with the terminal to a new folder.
  2. Go to the Settings-Login tab, select Bybit or Bybit Futures in the list of exchanges and click Apply.
  3. Register Bybit API keys in MoonBot (the version will become Free). Make sure that the bot ID has not changed. If it has changed, it means you didn't follow the instructions, in this case create new keys on the exchange and repeat the process from the first point again.
  4. Click on the Free version in the lower right corner of the MoonBot terminal, find the "Activate Bybit API" section and click on the "Activate for 500 Credits" button.
  5. If you see "Wrong account" - it means that your account is not registered using the above referral link.
  6. After successful key activation, it is recommended to restart MoonBot.

Features when working with Bybit.

When making a deposit, please note that funds appear in the Funding wallet, for trading they must be transferred to Unified Trading.

You can also specify in the account settings that deposits go straight to the trading account.

When trading on the spot, due to the fact that the commission is debited in coins (not in USDT or BNB, as on Binance), the account gets "dust" - small remnants of coins smaller than the lot, which cannot be sold. They can only be converted into MNT token through the exchange interface.