MoonBot and Telegram

Does the functionality of sending screenshots of charts with deals to Telegram work when trading on the MoonBot quarterly futures terminal for the Binance exchange?

Yes, the functionality of sending screenshots of charts with trades to Telegram when trading on the MoonBot quarterly futures terminal for the Binance exchange works successfully. You can set up the functionality to send screenshots to Telegram in the MoonBot terminal on the Settings – Special – Remote tab. We recommend updating your version of […]

Does the functionality of sending screenshots of charts with deals to Telegram work when trading on the MoonBot quarterly futures terminal for the Binance exchange? Read More »

Do you have instructions on how to configure the MoonBot terminal to send to Telegram information about deals in text form and screenshots of deals?

In order to receive in Telegram information about deals in text form and screenshots with deals, you need to do the following steps: =========First, you need to log in to @BotFather ( /newbotAlright, a new bot. How are we going to call it? Please choose a name for your bot. CHOOSENAME.Good. Now let’s choose a

Do you have instructions on how to configure the MoonBot terminal to send to Telegram information about deals in text form and screenshots of deals? Read More »

How can I use the “Share” button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal to send messages to my Telegram channel or group?

You can use the “Share” button to send messages to your Telegram channel or group. To do this, first open the chart of any coin and click the “Share” button on the right side of the main window of the MoonBot terminal to open the “Share market” settings window. 1) Tick “Don’t show this screen

How can I use the “Share” button on the main window of the MoonBot terminal to send messages to my Telegram channel or group? Read More »

Tell me more about the service for receiving reports to Telegram from the MoonBot terminal?

This service is designed to help optimize your operational reporting and may be of particular interest to those who use multiple copies of the MoonBot terminal to trade on remote servers. @ReportMBBot Your identification in the Telegram bot, as a user, is done automatically based on the Telegram account specified in the MoonBot (Settings –

Tell me more about the service for receiving reports to Telegram from the MoonBot terminal? Read More »

I heard that there is a Telegram channel @MoonInt where signals are published, what kind of channel is it?

The trading terminal has a “Share” button on the left side of the trading control panel. How it works: a trader who finds a coin interesting for the community, presses the “Share” button, and the bot sends a short message to the common Telegram channel @MoonInt. The message contains the name of the coin, some

I heard that there is a Telegram channel @MoonInt where signals are published, what kind of channel is it? Read More »

How can I remotely monitor the MoonBot terminal, as well as receive detections from strategies and information on trades?

To do this, you need to create for each MoonBot terminal its own telegram group, which will receive: 1) information on detects and trades 2) In such a group you can receive summary statistics on profits and losses 3) remote control of the bot via MoonBot terminal control commands via telegram (change strategy parameters, buy and sell coins,

How can I remotely monitor the MoonBot terminal, as well as receive detections from strategies and information on trades? Read More »