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File system

Such data is stored in the root folder of the MoonBot terminal in the BotConfig.bcfg file, which is the main file with bot settings, and also stores encrypted API key and API secret, profile parameters, location of sliders and checkboxes, bot colour theme type (light or dark), etc.
Ensure that the BotConfig.bcfg file is properly secured. Make a copy of this file on a USB flash drive and store it in a safe place.
The person in possession of this file and its password will have access to your keys!
Such data is written in the root folder of the MoonBot terminal in the file MoonBot.ini. The file contains specific colour settings of the bot themes: chart background, grid colour and display of trades, order book colours, as well as additional system parameters for faster strategies, strategy recording parameters (short or long form), the number of open charts and other additional parameters.
In the root folder of the MoonBot terminal in the MoonBot.ini file there is a parameter MouseClickDelay=230, which sets the delay in milliseconds between clicking again on a Buy order (the default setting is 230ms).
The updates folder of the MoonBot terminal contains a text file with the current version number and archives of the MoonBot versions that have been downloaded from our servers to update MoonBot to a more recent version.

The logs folder stores all the logs in which the MoonBot terminal records all its actions.
 There are text files without prefix ADD with date (year-month-day) with extension .log - it is a log of all bot actions for those dates in which bot records all events line by line with time: bot start and stop, strategy start, buy, sell, order reset, API errors, records of stop losses, trailing as well as other working and system events.
 There are text files with prefix ADD with date (year-month-day) with extension .log - these are logs of all records from Telegram for these dates, which were received by MoonBot, and you can determine if the terminal reads messages from Telegram correctly.
 Also in the logs folder there are Pump files with the trade pair and .bin extension, which are graphical records of trades in the MoonBot terminal. They can be opened through the table with reports, if you click on the coin name in the line with the report and see what was the entry into the deal and how it closed.
On the Settings - Advanced - System tab, click the “Delete old logs since XX days” slider. If 0, don't keep report charts also” you can set the timeframe for deleting logs and charts with reports with .bin extension from the folder with logs. If the slider is set to 0 in the leftmost position, the charts with reports of deals will not be written to the folder with logs. The slider “Charts in reports XX mins after close” can be used to adjust the duration of the time interval on the chart after closing a trade.

In the folder where MoonBot terminal is installed, in the data subfolder, the files Binance.db (for the spot market) or Binance Futures.db (for the futures market) contain reports on all trades (open, closed, deleted). That is, all the information you see, when you press the "Reports" button.
To delete the entire trade report from the MoonBot terminal, you must first close it. Then go to the data folder and delete the files Binance.db (for the spot market) or Binance Futures.db (for the futures market) from the data folder. At next start of the MoonBot terminal, it will automatically create a new file with the same name and it will be empty. This way the old trades in the MoonBot terminal will no longer be.
The data folder of the MoonBot terminal contains files of the following form: BinanceBTCOrders.backup - this is, for example, the main file where all orders (BUY, SELL, PENDING) placed on the chart for a BTC pair are kept.
The files BinanceBTCOrders.backup2 and BinanceBTCOrders.backup3 are copies of the main file BinanceBTCOrders.backup and if it is accidentally corrupted, the bot takes data from these files with index 2 and 3.
If you delete these three files when the bot is closed, the next time you start the bot, these files will be re-created by the bot as empty and all orders on the chart will be missing.
Specifying the name of the trading pair in the file corresponds to the orders on this pair, if you trade on the USDT pair, the bot creates files BinanceUSDTOrders.backup, BinanceUSDTOrders.backup2 and BinanceUSDTOrders.backup3.
Strategies in the MoonBot terminal are stored in the data folder in files like: Binance-BTC-strat.txt - this is, for example, a file with strategies for the BTC pair for the spot market. If you switch to another pair, for example USDT, the bot will create a new empty file Binance-USDT- strat.txt and the strategies created in the bot on USDT pair will be written and read from this file.
Strategies can be transferred to another pair, to do this, copy the file with the strategies and change the name of the trading pair, and after running the bot, check the strategy for compliance with the parameters of this pair (the volume in the filters, the order size, etc.), since the strategy BTC order size can be set to 1 BTC, but in the strategy USDT it will be 1 USDT, then you need to change the order size to the size you need in USDT.
The data folder of the MoonBot terminal contains files like: BTC-MarketData.zip, which is, for example, a chart archive for a BTC pair with trades and records of drawing lines on the chart for the corresponding trading pair. If you delete this file, then when you start MoonBot, the previous trades history on the pairs will be absent, and new trades will be added to the new file BTC-MarketData.zip, which will again create bot from scratch.
The data folder of the MoonBot terminal contains the archive file sounds.zip, which contains sound files with a .wav extension that can be used by the MoonBot. You can add your own sounds with the .wav extension to this archive and they will also be available for selection as system sounds, alarms and strategy sounds when the bot is restarted.
In the data folder of MoonBot, there is a text file called CoinsTwitters.txt that contains links to the Twitter accounts of coins that are traded on the exchange. You can click on the special "Twitter" icon in MoonBot and automatically open the tweet of the coin being traded.
the pair of which was open at the time this icon was pressed.
In the data folder of the MoonBot terminal, the CoinsLogos.zip archive file contains the mini coin logos used in the Assets Transfer window, which is called up via the "Menu - Transfer".
The data \ CoinsComments.txt file stores coin comments that you can make on the right-hand control panel of the MoonBot main terminal window in the field below the "Multi:, B:, S:" entries. To edit a comment, click on the Comment caption (double-click to edit) or on an empty field when the cursor changes its state to "arrow with a piece of paper".
The bak folder contains archives of strategy trade reports, as well as copies of the bot's system profiles before upgrading to new versions of the software. If you have accidentally deleted master files from the data folder or damaged them, you can go to the bak folder and restore the files you need from there.
If you didn't set a password on the MoonBot terminal, you need to close it and replace the BotConfig.bcfg file saved before the last update. To do this, first close the MoonBot terminal and delete the BotConfig.bcfg file from the root folder, then copy the last file "BotConfig- v5xx (DD_MM_YYYYY).bcfg" from the bak folder to the bot root directory and rename it "BotConfig.bcfg". Then run the MoonBot.exe file in administrator mode and the MoonBot terminal will run without a password.

If you use API keys that support white IP addresses, it is recommended to use permanent IP addresses. In this case you will be protected from such errors. In your case, in spot trading, if orders are not saved in the bot, you can use a backup from the bak folder of files like:


Files with orders with digits at the end 1, 2, 3 are written to the bak folder once every 8 hours with a recording coverage of 24 hours.

To restore an order file you need to close the MoonBot terminal, delete "empty" order files from the data folder (for example, for spot trading on USDT pair like BinanceUSDTOrders.backup, BinanceUSDTOrders.backup2, BinanceUSDTOrders. backup3) copy the appropriate file (either the most recent by date or, if the most recent one does not contain orders, the previous one, you can estimate the backup by the file size, the size of an empty file is 32 bytes) from the bak folder to the data folder and rename them according to the format of similar files in the data folder, for example:
bak\BinanceUSDTOrders.backup-1 -> data\BinanceUSDTOrders.backup
After replacing and renaming the orders file, start MoonBot terminal in administrator mode.
In addition, we recommend that you periodically save the MoonBot terminal folder to a separate archive folder at regular intervals so that you can restore data (report files, open trades, strategies, etc.) from this archive.

Reports on all transactions (open, closed, deleted) in the MoonBot terminal are stored in the data folder, in files like: Binance.db (for the spot market) or Binance Futures.db (for the futures market). In rare cases, if MoonBot terminal is closed unexpectedly, the file with reports may be empty. To restore it, you need to close the MoonBot terminal, then copy the backup of the reports file from the bak folder and the data folder and start MoonBot in administrator mode. In addition, we recommend that you periodically save the MoonBot terminal folder to a separate archive folder at a certain interval so that you can restore the data (report files, open trades, strategies, etc.) from this archive.

The report file in MoonBot terminal is saved in the data folder in files with .db extension, for example, for Binance exchange it is files like: Binance.db (Binance spot), Binance Futures.db (Binance futures). In order to save it for the archive, you can close the terminal and save a copy of this file to the desired location. You can also click on the "Reports" button without closing the terminal, click on the "Manage Data" button and then click on the "Backup" button, select the place of saving and click on the "Save" button.
Yes, this can be done. To do this, close the MoonBot terminal, open the MoonBot.ini file in the root folder, add the line ExpertMode=1 to the end of the text and save the file. After launching the terminal in administrator mode, the InternalError penalty will be reduced from 30 to 5 seconds.
For additional debugging of the reasons why MoonBot fails to set up munshots, you can write the line MoonShotDebug=1 into the MoonBot.ini file when the terminal is switched off, with the white list set in the strategy.

When the MoonBot terminal is turned off, you can add a line to the MoonBot.ini file with a new parameter HookRecalcInterval, whose value can be from 200 to 500 (measured in milliseconds) - this is the detector recalculation interval. By default HookRecalcInterval=500 milliseconds). This value affects the detection recalculation rate of the following strategies: MoonHook, Spread, EMA, Activity.

Yes, recently the TaskID field has been added to the MoonBot terminal database (it is not shown in the report and is only available for third-party analysis).

If your MoonBot terminal is located on a remote server without an explorer (core windows), then when you export reports in .csv and .xls format, they are saved to the terminal's Export folder without a file selection window.

The MoonBot terminal has functionality that automatically saves all drawing elements on coin charts in zip files like: USDT-ChartFigures.zip, USDT-ChartFigures-1.zip, USDT-ChartFigures-2.zip (example for USDT pair), which are saved in the bak folder. In addition, you can manually perform such saving by right-clicking on the “Pencil” icon on the main window and use the “Diskette” icon in the menu of drawing elements. If you need to load a file with previously saved drawing elements, then click on the icon located to the right of the “Diskette” icon, then in Explorer select the previously saved file and click Open. All saved items will then be loaded into the MoonBot terminal. If you had time to draw new elements before loading, they will be added to the new elements in the charts when loading the old ones.