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Log errors

MoonBot terminal registers an increased level of API errors, which may appear due to lags with the exchange, problems with the Internet, general problems in communicating with the exchange and triggers protection by API. Enabling this protection is located on the tab Settings - Autostart, if the checkbox is set at the parameter "Auto Stop if errors level > = 3". The number of errors at which the protection will be triggered can be adjusted by the slider located to the right of this parameter. You can uncheck this protection and then the MoonBot terminal will ignore this error, but it is better not to do so, as it may affect the incorrect operation of data transmission from the MoonBot terminal to the exchange. Try to fix the problem that causes this error: check the Internet connection, restart the router, change the way you connect to the exchange or pause trading and wait until the lags with the exchange stop.
The problem is that the Windows system prohibits you from writing log files because the MoonBot terminal's placement guidelines on your computer are violated.
a) Do not run the MoonBot terminal from an archive;
b) do not unpack MoonBot to the desktop, temporary and system folders of the operating system, such as windows, temp, users, and so on;
c) do not use Cyrilic letters in the folder names in the path to the MoonBot terminal;
d) if your computer has other disks besides the system disk C, for example, such as D, E, etc., then place the folder with the MoonBot terminal on them. If your computer only has the system C drive, then place the MoonBot folder on that drive in a separate folder in the root directory, such as C:\MoonBot.
You should check all these points, fix the location of the MoonBot terminal folder, restart your computer, and then run the MoonBot.exe file in administrator mode.
This is not an error, but an information message of the MoonBot terminal, in which it reports that it has skipped opening charts more than the limit that is set in it.
This type of error in the MoonBot terminal log means that the HFT parameter in the Buy conditions tab of the strategy parameters is set less than the actual exchange lag. To ignore it you can set HFT=0 or increase the value and set it higher than the value set at the moment, so that the value exceeds the actual exchange lag.
An error of this type in the MoonBot terminal log means that you did not have enough margin, that is, funds in your balance for all your orders. Adjust your strategies according to your actual capabilities!
This is not considered an error, but just an information message and a record of this kind in the MoonBot terminal log means that the order has already been executed at the moment when MoonBot started to move it.
It is not considered an error, but just a technical message.
This type of error in the MoonBot terminal's log means that an old Binance bug has appeared, but it's still relevant. It means that API GET /api/v3/order function to check order status returns error "Order does not exist", although the order actually exists. Due to this error, it is impossible to check the order status to see if it has executed partially or completely, or if it has yet to be executed.
Binance states that the time during which the state of the order is not defined, no more than 1 second in a quiet market, and 10 seconds during high volatility, but in reality the values may be much higher. If these errors occur, you should contact Binance technical support directly with logs.
Error [499] Err: Read timed out and other errors with the code [499] usually mean a problem with the connection on your side (ISP, Internet, router). Less often - a global network failure on the exchange side.
Errors of this kind in the MoonBot terminal log mean that these are bugs appearing on the Binance exchange. To eliminate this kind of errors, we recommend to move MoonBot terminals to the location of Korea (Seoul), since experience has shown that such errors occur only in the location of Japan (Tokyo).

UDP Init failed: Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use. Network functions won't work, sorry" in the MoonBot terminal log occurs when you run multiple copies of the MoonBot terminal with the same port number.
To make this disappear, in each MoonBot terminal, add its unique port in the "Listen UPD port:" field at the Settings - Advanced - Remote tab.
for MoonBot1: 1999
for MoonBot2: 1998
for MoonBot3: 1997
and so on.

This message most often appears in the log of the MoonBot terminal, which is installed on a dedicated server, and it reports that there is an API or CPU (processor) overload. To fix this kind of error you need to:
1) Go to Menu-System Setting and check "VDS optimized mode".
2) Reboot your computer
3) Check the device manager and make sure that third-party processes on the server does not load its resources, and if necessary, disable processes that cause CPU load.
4) Check the methods of connecting to the exchange and API loading, the API loading icon must be green.
5) If there are many strategies running in the MoonBot terminal, leave only one strategy for testing, which will place orders on no more than 5 coins to reduce the load on the API
6) Check that the API limits are not exceeded and the exchange did not impose a ban on trade.

If the above methods did not lead to a positive result, then for more detailed advice, ask for help in the Moon Bot Public Telegram group: https://t.me/Moon_Bot_Public
If you find information in the log about errors like:
- API key format invalid
- Status: 401 Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action
- Haven't found buy orders, waiting
If you have stopped placing orders, this means that the exchange Binance has disabled checkboxes for trading in your API (spot, futures...) and put the API in read-only mode, which means that the data from the exchange Munbot receive (you can see the graph), but you can not place an order and the exchange will not accept it from you.

To restore the ability to place orders you need to do the following steps:
1) Check that the exchange Binance has passed the PROMOTIONAL verification (with documents)
2) Go to your old API and re-register the necessary options to allow trading on the market you want (spot, futures...).
3) In the API switch the choice to "Allow access only to trusted IP addresses (recommended)" and enter in that field the IP of your home computer or server, on which you installed the Munbot and are trading. If you want to enter multiple IPs, they are entered in this field consecutively, separated by a space.

a) You can find the IP of your home computer using any IP checking service, such as this one: https://2ip.io/
But keep in mind that it is better to buy a permanent IP address from your provider, otherwise, if you have a dynamic IP, then after the restart of home equipment (computer, router) you may be assigned another dynamic IP address, which will be different from the one you entered in the API keys on the exchange.
b) Find the IP of the remote server can be in the personal cabinet of the service provider (Vultr, Amazon, etc.)
c) You can not prescribe in this field a white list of IP, but the API will disable your ability to trade after 90 days (if you forget to renew it, it will turn off at the most inopportune moment).
4) If there were problems with the old keys or they were deleted by the exchange, you can create new API keys with repeating steps 2) and 3)
5) Next, close Munbot and restart it in administrator mode.
6) If you still have the old keys, then check their work and make sure that now the orders are placed and Munbot works correctly.
7) If you have created new keys, register them in Munbot and make sure that the orders are now placed and that Munbot works correctly.
The registration of new API keys over the old ones is done as follows: Settings-Login:
a) Click: Register other keys.
b) Enter the new keys (API Key and API Secret)
c) Press: Register API Keys.
After these procedures, you will be able to work in the previous mode.
MoonBot terminal registers an increased level of API errors, which may appear due to lags with the exchange, problems with the Internet, general problems in communicating with the exchange and triggers protection by API. Enabling this protection is located on the tab Settings - Autostart, if the checkbox is set at the parameter "Auto Stop if errors level > = 3". The number of errors at which the protection will be triggered can be adjusted by the slider located to the right of this parameter. You can uncheck this protection and then the MoonBot terminal will ignore this error, but it is better not to do so, as it may affect the incorrect operation of data transmission from the MoonBot terminal to the exchange. Try to fix the problem that causes this error: check the Internet connection, restart the router, change the way you connect to the exchange or pause trading and wait until the lags with the exchange stop.
You need to close any unnecessary devices connected to this Telegram account, then close the MoonBot terminal and delete the entire tdlib folder. After that, load the MoonBot terminal in administrator mode and perform the procedure to connect to Telegram again on the Settings - Telegram tab.
Go to the Settings - Main tab and uncheck the "Good pump" conditions" and "Risk limit conditions" sections.
If you have such an error in your logs and orders are not placed, it means that the exchange does not allow you to set an order higher than your strategy wants.
For example, you have the following entries in your log:
1) Task 342 started; USDT-XVS (strategy ) UseAsk: 7.9260 CurAsk: 7.92360 BUY 10.405
Task #342 started: on the USDT-XVS pair (strategy named "ST-NEW") at the current ASK price of 7.9260 a limit buy order must be placed high in the red glass on the 10.405 price line (i.e. +30% of the ASK price)
2) USDT-XVS Set Buy order: FAIL; Status: 400 Limit price can't be higher than 9.134430
It is impossible to set a Buy order on USDT-XVS pair (the task has failed) because of the error "Status: 400 Limit price can't be higher than 9.134430" (or not more than +15% of ASK price)
3) === FAILED TO SET BUY ORDER ! vol.4.80000000 price: 10.405 total 100$
The result is the following entry: BUY ORDER CANNOT BE SET AT 10.405 price line - order size 100$
In this example, in the strategy settings, the buyPrice=30 parameter was set (to set a limit order of +30%) and the exchange has at some point set a limit and did not allow you to set an order higher than +15% (according to the log entry). In this case it is necessary to decrease the value in the parameter buyPrice from 30% to 15% or lower. What exactly the restrictions introduced by the exchange, in each case, you can see in the log: check the current ASK price and the maximum allowable value of the price above which the exchange does not allow to expose the limit order and then adjust the settings of the strategy.
This type of entry reports that the bot is fixing problems with the Internet connection to fix it you need to do the following steps: 1) Reboot the router. 2) Reboot your computer. 3) Do not use Wi-Fi, or better wired Internet connection. 4) Check your VPN and PROXY settings. 5) Check firewall and antivirus blocks. 6) Try to change connection method in MoonBot: Settings - Advanced - Engine settings - "Binance connection method.
This type of entry reports that the MoonBot terminal is launched from the desktop and from a folder that is typed in Cyrilic letters.
You should close the bot, create a folder C:\MoonBot and move all the contents from the folder on the desktop to it.
Then you should run the bot from C:\MoonBot\MoonBot.exe in administrator mode.
The "Error 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons" means that the connection is "Unavailable For Legal Reasons". - is a standard HTTP response code, which means that access to the resource you're trying to connect to is blocked due to restrictions or sanctions. Then there will be a log entry like: Service unavailable from a restricted location according to 'b. Eligibility' in https://www.binance.com/en/terms. Please contact customer service if you believe you received this message in error, with a link to the rules of the exchanger, which explains the reasons for restrictions.
To fix it, use a Proxy connection or install MoonBot on the server with the IP of a country which does not have restrictions for trading. In addition, you can contact the technical support of the exchange for a more detailed explanation.
Some users of the MoonBot terminal have such errors, and sometimes some trading crosses on the chart disappear.
Most often errors occur when there is high volatility on a coin and exchange servers do not have time to process requests and respond in the allotted time.
At such moments, both buy and sell orders may be canceled, forming a frozen position.
What you can try in this situation:
1) Add additional DNS to the server ( and You can assign DNS to and yourself.
2) Reboot the server.
3) Try another way to connect to the exchange.
4) Carefully read this material https://moon-bot.com/en/control-hanged-position/, after reading it, check Ignore Replacing Bug and accept the fact that hanging positions may be formed, which will sell the tracking bot.
5) Don't do anything, just wait for the next time the bot checks the order and resends it.
6) If you do not want to put up with it, then write a ticket to Binance, attaching the text of the error from the log. Find all such phrases in the log (Status: 503 Internal error, failed to process your request) and attach them to the request.
The MoonBot terminal can automatically generate and accept commands corresponding to basic actions: placing, rearranging orders, selling, canceling orders, and more. Commands are sent to your personal channel in a special form, in which they can be read by other bots. Thus, your bot is the master, bots of other users whom you have invited to your channel are slaves, they will repeat your actions.

The cant parse, will skip logging error occurs when the MoonBot cannot recognize a command for several reasons:
- You made a mistake in command syntax
- You typed the name of the coin wrong (in your case, the name 1000SHIBA is wrong, the correct spelling is coin without A -> 1000SHIB)
- There is a symbol close to the name of the coin (for example, the command specifies BTC], this is not correct because there is a closing square bracket close to the name of the coin, the correct spelling is BTC ], that is, the name of the coin should be indented left and right with spaces).

Coin - Coin;
Price - price, can be set as an absolute value or percentage;
X - % of the order size from the whole deposit;
- mandatory parameter,
[ ] - optional parameter.
Letter (M) after command description means that this command is not sent automatically (you can write it manually).

Note: it is important to respect the case of letters in writing the command and do not write brackets in the command - in the example they are given to indicate variable parameters and syntax!

An example of coin buy command syntax:
cmd_Buy [Price] [sell [Price] [OrderSize X%] [Key ChannelKey] - Buy a coin at the specified price by the specified % of the set order.
If there is no specified price [Price], then according to the slave bot's strategy settings.
If the sale price with the sell keyword is specified, for example: buy NEO 0.048 sell +15% OrderSize 100%, then the specified sale price will be substituted in the slave bot strategy. So it is equivalent to two commands: buy NEO 0.048 and cmd_UpdateSell 15%.
Parameter Key ChannelKey (optional) is used to specify a strategy with the desired ChannelKey. That is, it allows you to divide commands by strategies. If it is not specified, or there is no strategy with this ChannelKey, the first strategy on the list will be selected.
If you use key in the strategies to divide the commands, the command must be written in full format, for example cmd_Buy BTC 1% sell 1% OrderSize 100% Key Kup, where Kup - is ChannelKey.
The full syntax of commands is spelled out on the page of our website "Asset Management": https://moon-bot.com/en/74-trust-management/
This is a temporary error, and it sometimes occurs when the MoonBot terminal has not downloaded data from the exchange on the candles for that period. MoonBot does not re-request immediately, so for some time it will indicate that there is no data. Try to restart the MoonBot terminal in administrator mode, after rebooting it will ask the exchange again and get the required data from it.
The "Not an EMA" error in the Moonbot terminal occurs when there are Cyrilic letters in the EMA formula. You should carefully rewrite your EMA formula so that all letters are in the English layout.
If the Binance exchange suddenly changed the leverage on a coin, the MoonBot terminal will immediately display an entry like: Exceeded the maximum allowable position at current leverage and after this error will be unscheduled rechecking of limits and adjusting the leverage to them, according to your settings. Without such an error, MoonBot terminal makes a check once an hour.
This log entry indicates that your server is not powerful enough to handle all the strategies running on it in the MoonBot terminal. In addition, you should check the load on your server, which are created by other applications with parallel processes, maybe they also take up a lot of resources on a dedicated server (VPS). We can also recommend you to use a more powerful VPS server for trading.
This type of log entry signals that there are difficulties in determining the IP servers of Binance exchange on connection methods 2 and 3. When working on a dedicated server, such as Vultr, this should not be the case, if you have this entry on your home computer and if everything works fine, you can ignore this error in the log.

There are several reasons why a signature may be invalid:
- The secret key is not set
- The secret key does not match the API key
- The parameter passed to the server has no value.
The error /api/v3/order?orderId=&timestamp=xxxxx&signature=xxxxx can be as follows
- The timestamp and signature (in this order) are not specified as the last parameters
- The signature is signed with a different Hash algorithm, it should be SHA256
- One user had such an error due to failure of hash API keys in memory in BIOS overclocking mode. In this case it helped to enable the "AI OverClocking" item in ASUS Armoury Crate utility and restart the computer.

To fix it, we recommend creating a new API key from your account and re-registering it in the MoonBot terminal.

For additional advice, please contact the MoonBot Configuration Telegram group at https://t.me/MoonBotSettings.