7.41 (04.03.2025)

Saving window sizes on restart

Minor fixes for multi-monitor systems

7.40 (27.02.2025)

Added option in filters "IgnoreGatePenalty": ignore internal penalty,

which is set when fill ratio limits are exceeded on Gate.io

The "Settings - Interface - separate Buy/Sell buttons" option has been removed;

instead, the "hide panel to the right of the chart" option has been added.

The hidden panel can be temporarily opened by clicking the button in the top corner of the OrderBook;

Right-click on the panel button closes the chart;

Improved interface when the main window width is compressed;

Buttons in the toolbar are hidden as the main window is compressed (but can be shown again with the ":" button)

The "Help" button can be reassigned, right-clicking on it shows a menu with possible actions

Added a button to the drawing tools for separate clearing of figures of the selected type only.

More accurate accounting of exchange liquidations on bybit charts, in accordance with bybit API update.

(previously liquidations were sent by the exchange only once per second, now they promise to send all liquidations)

Fixes: on buybit USDC pairs, occasionally an order smaller than the specified order was placed;

Percentages at the stop line on the chart were occasionally shown incorrectly: poisitive for shorts and vice versa.

7.39 (12.02.2025)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

7.38 (11.02.2025)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

7.37 (09.02.2025)

Added a separate window for detect buttons (Settings - Interface)

The color of the detect buttons is set by the BuyOrderColor strategy parameter (with the UseCustomColors option enabled).

Strategy parameters PriceDownTimer, PriceDownDelay are now set in the format "seconds, with a dot"

Manage Triggers: the following keys have been added to the lists of free/used keys

TriggerKey, TriggerKeyBuy, TriggerKeyProfit, TriggerKeyLoss

Stop line at the order trace is now always displayed.

Changed the "MaxOrdersPerMarket" logic: Now if 0, the parameter is not applied.

Special case of StopLoss settings for instant selling:

If FastStopLoss is ticked, StopLossDelay=0 and StopLoss value is positive, the sell order is immediately set to the value <buy price - spread>, so the position can be immediately closed after opening.

Added log analyser (in the main menu, experimental function, may help to compare the work of old versions on log analysis).

Gate: penalty duration reduced from an hour to 10 minutes;

orders are not cancelled when penalty occurs (but new orders are not placed)

Other fixes:

Bybit balances in the transfers window;

Correction for self-trade prevention mechanism (prohibition to buy back from oneself) on Binance futures;

Binance-Futures: Fixed a bug where the price of an order differed from its visual line (the line "jumped" when trying to move the order);

Bybit-Futures: tracking bot was incorrectly determining iso margin;

pending orders with manual strategies incorrectly took stops from the general settings;

Slightly accelerated work of the tracking bot on futures;

Fixed BNB autobuy for BNFCR;

Important announcement!

If you are using Windows 7 or Windows server 2012,

you need to install all Windows updates!

The new Moonbot update that will be released in a few days will not run on a system with no updates installed!

(Windows 10 or Windows 2016 and newer are not affected).

You can check it now by downloading and trying to run the test version https://api.moon-bot.com/files/MoonBot-X13.zip.

7.35 (11.01.2025)

Fixed balances on Bybit (except for transfer tool)

7.34 (27.12.2024)

Gate Futures: penalty when reaching the limit of 10 orders

Binance: fix for a problem with TLS on binance servers.

7.33 (20.12.2024)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

7.32 (18.12.2024)

Added functionality to place "manual hooks" (i.e. to place a managed order manually), to do this you need to create a MoonHook strategy,

set the following parameters in it HookPriceDistance, HookSellLevel, HookRaiseWait, HookReplaceDelay.

Then in the manual strategy specify the desired MoonHook strategy in the UseHookStrategy field

The logic of the hotkey for order cancellation has been changed: if you press it once, manual orders will be cancelled first,

and if there are no manual orders, then auto orders will be cancelled.

If you press it again within a second, all orders are cancelled.

The number of triggers has been increased up to 200; triggers will be saved after restarting the bot (if less than an hour has passed);

Optimization of triggers speed (will be noticeable only with the number of strategies from 50)

Added menu for manual management of triggers (main menu, at the bottom of Manage Triggers).

Added Vol(X,Y) volume comparison formula to EMA formulas.

X,Y can be: 5s, 15s, 30s, 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 3h, 24h

The calculation is done using the formula: (average minute volume per hour Y) divided by (average minute volume per hour X).

Example: Volume per hour 120k USDT (average minute volume per hour will be 2k).

Volume for the last minute: 4k USDT

Then Vol(1h, 1m) = 4k/2k = 2, i.e. the volume in this minute is 2 times the average minute volume for the last hour.

Special case: Vol(0, Y) just gives the average minute volume for time Y, without comparison.

Added Long\Short selection field to report filters; improved filter logic.

Added option "Settings - Special, FastTrades" - fast method of processing trades on Binance-Futures.

Consumes 10% more CPU on a 1-core VPS

MoonStreamer (if using your own server) now works with Gate

Gate-Futures: stop for an hour after the order limit is reached, as was done on the spot in 7.31

The bot will consider a coin as a new listing if there is a gap in the candlestick chart for more than 12 hours


Delta strategy on binance futures with FastTrades option was incorrectly counting the Buyers parameter;

Moonshots were incorrectly cancelling orders after lack of balance

Avg(X, Y) will count time intervals more accurately when X is large

Correction in EMA calculation when there was a gap in the candlestick chart

7.31 (04.12.2024)

The "Auto Isolated" leverage management option now regularly checks the isolated margin mode

The "Auto Cross" option has been added to the leverage management settings

AutoCancelBuy in moonshots in expert mode ("ExpertMode" in the ini file) can now be 15sec

The following parameters are now set in "seconds, with a dot" format




Added hotkeys and buttons for manual strategies (Settings - Hotkeys, you can set 10 in total)

Added "DontSellBelowLiq" strategy parameter: do not sell at a stop below the liquidation price.

(in this case, the log will show "Stop level (...) is below than liq level")

Added "StopAboveLiq" strategy parameter: set stop above the liquidation level by a specified percentage. If 0, not applied

The "TokenTags" filter is now available on all exchanges

Added Avg(X, Y) formula to EMA filters; format is similar to EMA(X, Y). The price X sec. or min. ago and Y sec. or min. ago are compared.

If Y=1, the current price is taken.

The average price line can be seen on the chart by ticking the AvgPrice checkbox.


Fix in short MoonHook orders when HookInterpolate value is 3 or 4 (previously buffer was calculated incorrectly)

Fixed a situation when MoonStrikes stopped generating detects after a long time of work

Fixed a rare bug where the stop of a buy order changed when dragging the "invisible line" of the stop.

Fixed bug when SetWL/SetBL commands did not save strategies after restarting the bot

Gate: hourly and daily volumes coming from the exchange in contracts units are now converted to USDT


Error on gate PRICE_TOO_DEVIATED now does not lead to stop on api errors

Error on binary "This symbol is not allowed for this account" now does not lead to stop on api errors.

Telegram notifications grouping time can be changed with SetGroupDelay N (milliseconds) command.

Gate: added internal penalty 1 hour after receiving an order limit error (i.e. after the exchange has limited your limit to 1 order in 10 sec).

7.30 (12.11.2024)

Notifications in Telegram about "duplicated orders" (rare network bug; if detected on gate.io, it is recommended to stop trading)

When updating from 7.27 and earlier versions, the replaceDelay conversion from seconds to milliseconds is written to the strategy change log;

When updating from 7.27, the BinancePriceBug is set to 0 (except for Binance).

In the strategy editor a warning is displayed if the DebugLog parameter is enabled in one of the strategies.

(in debug mode strategies consume more CPU)

7.29 (10.11.2024)


Added traces of Buy and Sell orders to track them on the chart.

Traces are shown and hidden together with other drawing figures.

A maximum of 50 "traces" are stored on the chart, the old ones are automatically overwritten.

To clear all traces and other drawing figures manually, use the "Clear All" button in the drawing tools or the CTRL+Z

To change traces transparency use the drawing tools settings, "Trace - Opacity".

In the reports charts, the "Funnel" button hides other orders traces.

Traces can be selected by CTRL-clicking to the last replaced point.

When a trace is highlighted, the StopLoss line is shown if the order was closed by StopLoss.

The BuyOrderColor parameter, which controls the colors of Buy orders and their traces, has been added to the strategy settings tab of the User Interface.

MoonShots has been accelerated using the new FastShotAlgo parameter (the parameter works on all exchanges, but actual acceleration depends on exchange).

It is recommended to enable the parameter, but its use requires 5-10% more CPU

Important! ReplaceDelay in MoonShots and MoonHooks is now set in milliseconds (and works more accurately, to the nearest 10ms).

In existing strategies it updates automatically.

Triggers are now work faster

StopLoss by trades (the FastStopLoss parameter) now works faster.

Added scrolling of filters on the chart using ALT + wheel and enabled "funnel" button (mouse should be in the filters area).

Scrolling can be disabled by unchecking "Scroll Filters ALT+Wheel" in the Funnel menu.

SellLevelWorkTime: the algorithm of time counting has been changed:

if you set 1 - previously the bot waited 1.4sec (due to rounding), now it will be 0.4sec.

The built-in help has been updated


Telegram strategies can read Telegram bot @coinalyze_alerts_bot (signals with liquidations).

Added notification to Telegram about coins, where you need to confirm risk acceptance on the exchange's website.

Added animation of the "Save" button in the strategy editor.

BinancePriceBug filter is now available on all exchanges.

Added BinancePriceBugMin filter: take only coins where the PriceBug value is greater than the specified value. If 0, not taken into account.

The BinancePriceBugMin filter is counted separately by coins (while the BinancePriceBug filter, as before, is common for the whole market).

Binance: added tag "New" to coin tags (https://www.binance.com/en/markets/newListing)

In ExpertMode (ini parameter ExpertMode=1) removed restrictions for MShotPrice.

Removed api2.bybit.com/.... errors from the API error box; added date to the error line.

Columns in the hang control settings (https://moon-bot.com/en/control-hanged-position/) table can be changed in width.

Added session reset menu to the markets table

Improved memory accounting algorithm, memory growth messages should become less frequent


Fixes: The emulator should no longer bounce from spikes; Fixed working with coins with a "long" name (10000000AIDOGEUSDT);

Liquidations in reports now take into account longs and shorts. The liquidation report shows deltas at the time of the trade (the last one before liquidation, if there were several);

Binance: "Auto Reduce Orders" now takes into account the maximum position of Binance pre-markets;

Fixed buy price offset after split on Binance Quarterly;

Gate Futures: Fixed incorrect max order and liquidations detection;

Gate spot: Fixed hourly volumes;

Bybit: fixed opening TV charts for coins with 1k, 1m prefix; Fixed commission calculation.

(on Bybit exchange in the report the profit differed from the actual balance to a lesser extent).

Fixed a rare bug where simultaneous pressing Split and Join hotkeys would cause position loss.

Fixed a rare bug when clicking in separate charts (https://moon-bot.com/en/charts-in-separate-windows/) resulted in placing an order.

7.27 (25.07.2024)

ByBit spot: added EUR pairs (EUR transfer in the Transfer window does not work on the exchange side yet, you should transfer via the site).

New parameter SellLevelWorkTime=Time (sec.), during which SellLevel TP control algorithm works.

After expiration, TP orders will not be moved. If 0, it is not applied.

New parameter SellLevelDelayNext=Time (sec.): delay before next TP order replacing according to the SellLevel algorithm.

The first replacing is performed through SellLevelDelay, starting from the second - through SellLevelDelayNext

If SellLevelDelayNext=0, all replacings are performed through SellLevelDelay interval as before.

Fixes in the work of tracking bots;

Fixed calculating of the size of pending orders on quarterly futures if there was no BTC on the balance;

Liquidations should now be correctly filtered by strategy name (only new liquidations from this version)

HTX: automatic TP orders split if position exceeds max order limit.

7.26 (27.06.2024)

MinPing filter added; Internal penalty on MaxPing and MaxLatency reduced to 5 sec.

Added display of price change percentages (as on the rectangle) to the Fibo figure

Added strategies parameter for filtering by tags: TokenTags=<Tags list> (binance only!)

Attention! Undocumented binance feature, may stop working at any moment.

Gate: fix trades disappearing (used to happen during markets delisting);

Listings should get leverage 10 by default;

CONTRACT_IN_DELISTING error imposes a 30 sec penalty on a market (to avoid exceeding API limit);

Binance: fix balances for EEA; fix in HMap

HTX: fixed order cancellation by Cancel All button

Bybit: fix TP setting error on simultaneous buy orders that exceed position limit in total

Corrects the work of the built-in Telegram client with new groups

CancelByTriggerBL now correctly removes pending orders

To avoid freezes, the markets table in the inactive state displays no more than 100 rows.

7.25 (12.05.2024)

Moonbot supports gate.io (https://moon-bot.com/en/connect-gate/)

Added SellDelay (ms.) strategy Parameter: wait before set TP order

Bybit: fix for leverage auto-management due to a change in the exchange api.

Strategies: change in work of pending orders: if DontCheckBeforeBuy is checked and CheckAfterBuy is not checked,

then pending orders are not removed even if they stop passing through the filters

7.23 (24.04.2024)

Commex support removed

Voting for Gate.io module implementation (on the "MoonBonus" button, "Votes" tab)

Charts: added timer to auto-Refresh (center) charts

Added moonshot parameters:

MShotSortDesc: sort by descending (default). If unchecked, sort in ascending order, from smallest to largest

added many new options for MShotSortBy

added new filter parameters to all strategies:

FilterBy: Select a parameter for the filter. (just one more filter with many options)

FilterMin: Minimum boundary of the FilterBy value. If one of the FilterMin or FilterMax values is 0, this parameter is ignored

FilterMax: The maximum limit of the FilterBy value. If one of the FilterMin or FilterMax values is 0, this parameter is ignored

Added section for dynamic sorting of Dynamic White\Black List to the strategy:

DynWL_SortBy: Selects the parameter for the dynamic whitelist made by sorting and taking the first DynWL_Count of coins

DynWL_SortDesc: Sort direction

DynWL_Count: How many coins passing through the filter to take from the sort to make a dynamic whitelist.

DynBL_SortBy, DynBL_SortDesc, DynBL_Count: similar for dynamic WL.

Dyn_Refresh: Frequency of recalculation of dynamic lists, sec.

(too frequent recalculation loads the CPU and may lead to a ban for too frequent orders replacing! We recommend using 61 sec)

MaxBalance filter added to the strategy

MaxPing filter (ms) added to the strategy (if it is 0, or if MaxLatency is 0 - it is not taken into account).

If an order fails to pass the ping filter, a penalty of 15 sec is imposed before retrying to place again

Fix for Huobi: Exchange restriction on selling price in the first 10 minutes of listing

7.22 (22.03.2024)

Users registered with our ref. link on binance, can get a 2-week trial period for the PRO version with modules moonscalper + binance futures for free. (More details in the "Promotion" section of the site (https://moon-bot.com/en/promotion/) )

Commex exchange has been added. Terms of getting PRO version are published in the "Promotion" section of the site (https://moon-bot.com/en/promotion/)

Note: at the moment the exchange has problems with opening multiple charts at once. They promise to fix it, so far charts take too much weight of the api.

(which, moreover, is less than on Binance).

New buttons in the report "To strategy BL" to add a coin to the strategy BL (only for new trades starting from this version). and "To Global BL" to add a coin to the global BL.

Columns in the markets table can be disabled; many new columns have been added.

Added Telegram command "report" to output reports (as screenshots)

Added Telegram commands SetBL+, SetBL-, SetWL+, SetWL- to add/remove coins from the global BL\WL.

Limited the number of detect buttons in the toolbar (so that they do not overlap with other buttons).

Fixes: commission calculation in Binance-Futures report when using BNB; Moonshots in emulator mode place orders faster; in autolevconfig markets can be set with comma or space; Fixed max position on bybit;

Binance-spot: change in STP, how orders are canceled due to self-trade prevention:

was: buy orders when trying to buy back from yourself and take orders when trying to sell to yourself.

became: buy orders when trying to buy back from myself and buy orders when trying to sell to myself.

7.21 (01.03.2024)

Fixed issue with false malware detection by windows defender (reminder, it is strongly recommended to use paid antivirus and disable windows defender!).

7.20 (28.02.2024)

Bybit: Fixed bid/ask line; pencil price emulation; CPU optimization when opening multiple charts;

Huobi: Display HTX balance on main screen in millions of tokens

Binance: Fix in the spot watcher; reading Tlg signals on quarterly futures (format "buy #BTC_RP"); disabled fstream3 (still remains in the bot, but fstream works anyway); Sending screenshots on quarterly futures.

General: SamePosition filter now also works in Moonhooks

7.19 (01.02.2024)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

7.18 (29.01.2024)

The built-in Telegram client has been updated again

Bybit: added USDC pairs; added coin transfer menu; fix in watcher algo;

HTX: HT token has been replaced with HTX

The Menu - System Settings - Use memory slider is now available in VPS mode on a 1-GB VPS with swap file enabled.

It affects the length of the chart in reports.

It is strongly recommended to increase its value only on a 2+GB VPS!

7.17 (18.01.2024)

The built-in Telegram has been updated

The DontTradeListing filter option - do not trade listings for specified time (sec).

Markets table: double click on a row anywhere opens coin chart; fixed auto-sorting in some columns

Bybit: Deeper order books (undocumented api feature, may eventually stop working and books will deflate to standard Bybit size); added ListedType strategy filter (similar to Binance)

Huobi: Fix in the Watcher; added the Ignore Replacing Bug checkbox.

Binance: replaced BUSD pairs with USDC; Fixed excessive api load on listing if a coin appears on the exchange before trading starts

7.16 (10.01.2024)

Added "Settings - Special, Auto Reduce order" option - reduce order size in accordance with exchange limit on max. order

Updated the Modified Telegram client. To update, close the bot, manually delete UTelegram.exe, then start the bot and on the page "Settings-Telegram" click "download Telegram."

Markets table update frequency increased to 1s.

Loading charts on Bybit-spot

Bugfixes for Bybit: correct display of Trades Latency; AutoSplitBuy; order book overlapping; V-Stop; CPU optimization

7.15 (29.12.2023)

7.13 (18.12.2023)

Saving/loading chart figures to a file (new figures are added to existing ones when loading) (figures are also automatically saved in the bak folder).

Correction of sellprice in UDP commands due to new "Use Leverage for TP" option.

Voting in favor of implementing the Bybit module in MB. (on the "MoonBonus" button, "Votes" tab).

For PRO version users only.

Those who have this button hidden - uncheck the box in "Settings - Interface, "Hide MoonBonus button"

Credits are used for voting in any amount starting from 500.

Voting will continue up to and including 24.12.2023

Results are posted in real time here

7.12 (09.12.2023)

Added the option "Use Leverage for TP" checkbox (Settings - Interface) - take into account leverage on the take slider and in the order size in the report (does not affect trades);

Moon Streamer improvements and other minor fixes

7.11 (04.12.2023)

Added MaxLeverage filter: markets with leverage not exceeding the filter (if 0, not taken into account).

Added ListedType filter: filtering coins depending on their listing on spot only, futures only or both (only for Binance).

Improved calculation of SpreadPolatiry parameter in order to better match the description of the parameter to market conditions

Added AEUR pairs

Fixes: auto-scale when viewing charts in the report; visualisation of percentages at the sell level adjust hotkey; erroneous appearance of EUR token in EUR-bot;

The Black List of watching coins in position controllers is automatically updated with all stablecoins at the moment of update.

7.10 (23.11.2023)

Fix in the NextDetectPenalty parameter for hooks (didn't work with shorts detects)

MaxModifier now works for Moonshots too

Fix for Huobi

7.09 (22.11.2023)

Liquidations are now sent to the statistics service

Sell price slider no longer takes into account leverage on futures

Auto scale mode has been changed - now it is calculated by 3h delta and recalculated when the chart is centred (in particular, by CTRL+arrow hotkey).

Scale of 1% has been changed to 20%

The 4th leverage added to the leverage selector

New parameter to modify stopLoss depending on deltas: StopLossModifier

The calculation of modified stop is written to the log in the form of StopLoss adjusted [-1.00% - (10.00*0.98=9.75%) => -10.75% ] - stop from the strategy, modifier coefficient, final stop level.

Added MaxModifier parameter: the calculated sum of all modifiers is not greater than the specified value. Calculation of the total modifier is made by the formula

Min(MaxModifier, Sum[Pn * Dn]) where Pn - modifier specified in the strategy, Dn - current delta. If 0, the parameter is not taken into account

Fixes: bug on Binance futures that led to log records "No need to modify the order."; bug on Huobi related to limitation of max. order size; bug of order cancellation in case of simultaneous strike detection on 2 markets.

Removed the ability to enter your IP in connection methods

7.07 (29.10.2023)

Added buyPriceLastTrade parameter: Use last trade price to calculate buy order price (if unchecked, the last ASK price is used, as it worked by default before version 7.07).

Added DontCheckBeforeBuy: Do not recheck filters immediately before buying. By default, filters are checked twice: before calculating the detection and before placing buy order

MoonHook: If BuyDelay is set in the strategy and the order price is out of the corridor during the waiting time, the price is recalculated before placing the order.

The log will contain the record "Initial BuyPrice changed during BuyDelay".

Processing of new binance functionality "self-trading prevention (STP)"

Control of hunged orders: Added the button to manually cancel all buy orders on all bots.

Added "By Close Date" checkbox to the report: filter orders by close date

Order caption for shorts is displayed below the line

Fixes: fstream-auth on futures; rare cases of false positive hook detects on low-volume markets

7.05 (09.09.2023)

Telegram notifications about leverage changing can be switched off (the "Telegram report" checkbox in the leverage management settings)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

7.04 (06.09.2023)

Redesigned the hangs protection module, now you can put several keys from different accounts in 1 bot; added IP control (cancellation of orders if the working bot has a network crash).

Be sure to read the manual!

The markprice line will be stored in reports


HTX (Huobi): in cases of not being able to sell at markprice (exchange restriction), the order will be placed in the spread;

Fixed chart alignment when zoom buttons are pressed;

Charts alignment mechanics has been changed: if the chart was shifted by time, the scale buttons do not align the chart.

Fixed display of trades on quarterly futures

Fixed IgnoreCancelBuy strategy option with pending orders.

7.02 (18.08.2023)

The CTRL+arrow hotkey places the chart at the centre of the current price; scale hotkeys and buttons also place the chart at the centre

Balance autoupdate on Huobi

Added MinFreeBalance parameter: if at the moment of detection the balance is less than specified, do not try to place orders (set in base currency).

Added multi-asset mode switch (in the balance transfer window)

Added -FDUSD pairs on the Binance spot

Added menu item "Cancel all real buys" (cancel all buy limits, leave pending orders).

Correct processing of trading ban under new risk control rules on binance futures.


Incorrect operation of the orders watchdog algorithm after moving buy orders

Adding coins to the global BL before listing

Fixed leverages in the markets table in case of position limit increase in the Binance account.

Fixed erroneous display of trailing line before StopLossDelay expires.

Now cmd_buy commands work correctly with IndependentSignals setting

Panic Sell hotkey is triggered by a single click, regardless of the Double Click checkbox in the interface settings.

MShotPriceMin can be set from 0.05 if there is a whitelist in the strategy

7.01 (27.07.2023)

Added strategies parameter UseOldPrice: use N-seconds old price for buy order (only applies to strategies where it does not contradict the idea of the strategy).

Added hotkey to cancel all buy orders (CTRL-DEL by default)

Control commands via Telegram can be specified with botname:name prefix, in this case only the bot with the specified name will accept the command.


MoonHook: rare case of false detection on an opposite direction spike

Incorrect calculation of partially executed order amount

Moving the market stop orders to the opposite order book

Incorrect cancellation of a partially filled buy order when moving it

Recording of EMA conditions in the report for pending orders

Correct work of the Pencil tool for emulation of trigger by strike

Correct operation of SellLevel when setting time more than 4h (but not more than 48h; levels are calculated by 5 candles).

Fixed error "Limit price can't be higher than" which could lead to ban and hang positions

Fixed triggering of several telegram strategies with pending orders on 1 signal

7.00 (20.05.2023)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.99 (20.05.2023)

Added "remember buttons per market" setting ("Main Settings - Interface"). Remembers the selection of order size and sell price buttons. The memory can be reset via the main menu.

Fast orders replacing on binance futures.

Only works with "Ignore Replacing" turned on

Improvements and fixes:

The internal logic of the MoonHook strategy has been improved;

Optimized CPU when calculating strategy filters. EMA conditions string is only visible on the chart in full screen mode;

Recognition of "1000Coin" in the coin entry field;

Delisted markers removed from the table and from the Mavg calculation;

Added enhanced built-in help with lots of questions-answers (the "Help" button in the main window)

6.98 (06.05.2023)

Sending screenshots to Telegram channel: changed limits for profit and percentages, added built-in limit of 20 screenshots per minute, checkbox to send to general chat made switchable

MoonHook strategy: Improved calculation algorithms; added HookAntiPump parameter.

If YES, it takes the average price before the detection to calculate the depth of detection, which helps filter out spikes right after a quick pump.

In existing strategies, the HookAntiPump parameter is enabled by default, with this parameter the strategy performance is close to what it was before the update.

Huobi: Processing of coins with price precision less than 1 satoshi; orders handling accelerated

Clicking on BNB in main window opens a chart of the corresponding pair

Fixed: wrong detection direction (long-short) in liquidation strategy; sending of screenshots by CTRL-F10 when $ is not displayed in the interface

6.97 (22.04.2023)

The markets table initially, as well as when pressing "refresh" button is sorted by time of adding markets

Added "Moonbot" caption to screenshots

Fixes: moving chart windows and main window between monitors with different scale; the "Fill: n%" display bug in emulator in order window; bug in stop slider in main settings

6.96 (19.04.2023)

Settings for auto-sending screenshots to your channel (only works with your bot token, which you need to get from @BotFather)

In general settings, the stop slider can be set to -20%

Bug fixes: Bug when deleting subfolders with strategies that had disabled strategies with active orders, Pending orders work with multi-order mode disabled; CancelBuyAfterSell parameter was not correctly applied to pending orders

6.95 (11.04.2023)

Binance spot orders are replaced 2 times faster (by using the cancelReplace exchange operation)

New "User Interface" section in the strategies to customize the appearance of the order lines:

DontWriteLog: (YES/NO) If YES, do not log the orders of this strategy (can be checked only in the emulator mode of the strategy)

DontKeepOrdersOnChart: (YES/NO) If YES, delete orders of this strategy from the chart if the Buy is canceled (not executed) (the checkbox is available only in the emulator mode of the strategy)

UseCustomColors: (YES/NO) If YES, use the 2 parameters below

OrderLineKind: Type of lines (solid/ dashed)

SellOrderColor: colour of the sell order

Added comment box to the right of the chart

Fixes: Double triggering of liquidation strategy; Order tracking algorithm in case of a short on a spot

6.94 (29.03.2023)

One more report fix in case when updating from old version

6.92 (28.03.2023)

One more Fix in reports

6.91 (28.03.2023)

Fixed report updating in VDS mode

6.89 (28.03.2023)

The "MoonBonus" addon can now be activated for mooncredits (MoonBonus members receive it for free)

Exchange StopLoss in manual strategy (controlled by 2 parameters of the strategy "UseMarketStop" and MarketStopLevel (initial stop price),

and the "SM" ("StopMarket") switch on the main window)

Added hottkey to panicsell 1 order (if there are multiple orders, the first one placed will be closed)

Added parameter TriggerByAllKeys: if YES, then the slave strategy will only be triggered if all TriggerByKeys are active

Added parameter SellLevelRelative: move the sell by X% of the buy price relative to the high price (can be greater than 100%)

Removing sub-folders in the strategy editor

The "AutoClose Zero positions" checkbox (Settings - Special): remove zero positions with negative margin (occurs after liquidation greater than 100% on isolated margin).

Enabled by default.

Changes in the report database mechanics: (applies to VDS mode only)

1) In VDS mode the bot loads into memory and works with a limited report (20k lines)

2) The first time you run the bot in VDS mode, it will decrypt the report.

3) If you want to view the whole report in VDS mode, click "Load All" button (report window, next to "Manage Data")

4) In full report mode the bot doesn't load data into memory, it works with data from the disk. The data is updated only by the "update" button

5) After completing the full report, press the "Unload" button, which returns to step 2)

Removed old detector settings without strategies ("Settings - Auto Detect")

Added strategy option IndependentSignals:

If NO, then the logic is as follows: the strategies are checked one by one on the list, after finding the first one

that fits the conditions of detection, a signal is given, other strategies are not checked (this logic worked all the time until current version).

If YES, then all strategies in a row on the list are signaled, up to the first strategy with this option unchecked.

The following strategies do not use this option: MoonShot, PumpDetection, UDP, Combo, Manual, TopMarket

The following strategies always have this option enabled: NewListing, EMA, Spread, MoonHook, Activity (since the strategies so far have operated according to the logic of having this option enabled)

Fixes: Moonstreamer works on all pairs (spot and futures) when using its server; Pack of icons from Mark was updated

6.87 (24.02.2023)

New strategy parameter FastStopLoss: faster stop on trades ("crosses"). Stops will react to spikes.

Added additional hourly volume with fast update by trades (on the chart in the upper left corner, next to Vd1m. HVolFast column in the report)

MaxHourlyVolFast, MinHourlyVolFast filters added to strategy filters. By default 0 - do not check.

Leverage management functionality: auto-adjustment of leverages according to the required max. position (Market Table, the "Manage Leverage" button),

The "Auto Isolated" option (switch to isolated margin after listing)

Telegram command "AutoLevConfig" so send the leverage config to bots

A new set of icons has been added (Settings - Interface)

Sorting the markets table by position limit, by coin name

Huobi: HUSD pairs replaced with USDD

When you press CTRL, the pencil button displays the current tool

The free memory warning algorithm has been changed. Memory information is logged every 15 minutes

Manual report cleaning (The "Manage Data" button in reports). Cleaning of the report of old records reduces the memory occupied by the bot.

Fixes: trategies with non-zero BuyDelay check the balance after the BuyDelay time has expired (i.e. just before the order is placed);

Fixed penalty with pending orders in strategies, in particular the EMA strategy; Text in the order box has been optimised for smaller the bot window

Important!!! The MAvg calculation has been changed, this may result on all strategies which used Mavg filter!

Now coin prices are considered to be reduced to 1.

The idea : for each coin we take the 48 hours average price. Then the sum is calculated for all markets:

(current price / Avg48) * (if volumes weighted option is turned, multiply by volume)

Mavg = this sum of prices above / number of markets

6.86 (29.12.2022)

The MinLeverage filter has been added to the strategy: the min. leverage to woth on a market. Ignored when the "Ignore filters" option turned on. Default value is 1, which means that any leverage is accepted.

If the leverage of the exchange changes, the bot reduces the leverage automatically up to 5 (with "Settings - Special - AutoLeverage turned on")

Online monitoring @MBOnlineBot is fixed

Fixed NextdetectPenalty in the Activity strategy

Fixed bug with buying coins with price below 1 sat. (Huobi)

6.85 (17.11.2022)

Fixed bug drawing HVol

6.84 (16.11.2022)

Orders "heat map" (distribution by volume) (HMap button above the chart. Does not work in VPS mode)

New strategy "Activity" to detect series of equal orders (does not work on 1 core VPS)

Added second orderbook on BUSD pairs (BTC)

It is possible to filter short or long trades in the report by entering short\long in the filter field

24h delta column added to markets table

Export of reports in csv and xls on windows core is done into the Export folder without file selection dialog

Added parameter CancelByTriggerBL to triggers: cancel orders if an emergency trigger has been triggered (analog of CheckAfterBuy for triggers)

Added parameter ClearTriggerKeys to triggers: a list of keys separated by spaces, when the trigger signal comes, to clear all the given keys

Pair changes: AUD, BRL replace 2 delisted pairs

Added telegram command to stop/start strategies: sgStop Name (time in minutes), sgStart (name). sgStop without time indication stops for 2 hours

InternalError in ExpertMode (set in the ini file) decreased from 30 to 5 seconds.

Fixed: when fast chart switching with a hotkey, an order was placed on a previous chart; duplication of the EMA filter line in EMA strategy in the report;

Fixed a rare case of incorrect price from the exchange when replacing the stop-loss order ("Limit price can't be lower than..." error )

6.83 (26.08.2022)

A polarity filter from SpreadPolarityMin to SpreadPolarityMax has been added to the Spread strategy. Polarity is a trend direction and the numeric measure of the direction can be from +100 (strictly upwards) to -100 (strictly downwards).

Fixes: a bug in the strategy editor filter; correct working of penalty in strategy pending orders.

6.82 (18.08.2022)

Pending BuyStop and BuyLimit orders in strategies:

- Not available in the strategies Moonschot, Moonhook, Spread, Strike, UDP

- When the conditional price is reached, the limit order is placed slightly higher (or lower, respectively) by the PendingOrderSpread value

- PendingOrderSpread can be negative; if the limit order is not executed immediately, it is removed after 3 seconds

New option AutoSell in the strategy: put the sell order after the buy is filled. "YES" by default. Available only on the spot and only if ExpertMode = 1 is set ini file

Added Min. balance field in the Balance window (calculates minimal unused balance) and reset button for Min. balance counter

Added BuyStepKind parameter: Linear or Exponential to control the grid step

Added PriceIntervalShift parameter to the Spread strategy: integer number from 0 to 5. It cuts off single arrow detections, see the manual for details

Added parameter MinReducedSize to the Spread and MoonHook strategy: if BuyOrderReduce results in a smaller order size than the specified value (in USDT), the order is not placed (and will not be detected accordingly)

Added hottkey to change a draw figure tool (CTRL-F by default) (line/levels/rectangle)

If you right-click while drawing, the drawing is canceled

Added hottkey to move sells inside rectangle (CTRL-S by default)

Buttons "Select All", "Deselect", "Delete" in the strategy editor are protected against accidental pressing

Marker table can be docked on top of the windows (button in lower right corner)

Optimized work speed, including the strategy editor

The Short checkbox on the spot now works in all strategies

Fixes: Changed order of TAB in reports; Binance spot: pairs to USDS are replaced by GBP; Fixed "set leverage" button;

The SetParam command will not change the names of all the strategies in the folders; only the name can be changed for a specific strategy;

Fixed the market delta calculation when all but 1 or 2 of the markets are in CH;

The following are included by default in the list of unchecked hovered positions: BTC, ETH, BNB, USDP, TUSD, USDC, USDT, BUSD, GBP, USD, RUB, EUR, HT, HUSD, TRY

6.81 (06.07.2022)

Functionality of spot-futures balance transfers (menu - Transfer) and dust to BNB conversion (including ConvertBNB Telegram command)

Hanged position control now works independent of the START button

Pressing BTC rate caption opens BTC chart (only for those bots that have this symbol)

Added telegram command for margin type change Margin [coin,coin\ALL] ISO\Cross

Marking of coins which are traded on futures (left top corner of a chart)

Improved speed of listing detection

MAvg should now take into account the "exclude from delta" checkbox regardless of the BL;

Charts windows now display a Session line

6.80 (15.05.2022)

Fix for Huobi

Added delay for buy orders (the "BuyDelay" strategies parameter; milliseconds, 0 - no delay, max 3000ms)

Added logging level 0: less information in the log on detects without buying

CheckFreeBalance checkbox now works for single orders

Added comment to bot (in then main window, double click on area to the left of cashback)

Fixes: Short on Huobi; Calculation of min/max in EMA filters; saving SellPrice buttons; saving order settings after autosplit

6.79 (16.04.2022)

Added the option "Auto change Leverage to 20 if position limit is exceeded" (Settings - Special , "Auto Leverage". Can be controlled by the Telegram command SetAutoLeverage ON\OFF)

The range of stop sliders in the main settings was extended to -40%

TaskID field added to database (is not shown in report, only for analysis by third party tools)

Bugfixes: incorrect price when split with SellPrice button enabled; reading multistring commands by modified Telegram client; subaccounts registration can use "+" symbol in emails

6.78 (26.03.2022)

Number of triggers increased to 100

Telegram reports are sent with a 4s delay if you do not have your own token bot configured (Settings - Special, "Remote")

You can add "MoonShotDebug=1" into then ini file (the bot must be closed) for moonshots debugging (strategy should have whitelist)

Fixed: when closing the bot, charts of recent trades were not saved if the time specified in the settings has not passed; Fixed display of BL triggers on a chart; Fixed wrong detection of USDT-T at certain signal trading settings

6.77 (27.02.2022)

Binance futures trading recommendations updated (Menu-News)

Added "WorkingTime" strategy parameter (in filters). Ignoring filters does not affect it (i.e. WorkingTime is still checked).

Sets the working time of the strategy. Format: hours:minutes - hours:minutes or minutes - minutes

6.76 (15.02.2022)

Cashback calculation: Added option to select instant or current BNB rate

Columns for hourly and daily volumes (H.Vol, D.Vol) have been added to the report

Added a decimal place on order size buttons

6.75 (10.02.2022)

Fixed report columns; Added the "calculate average order without leverage" option to the report settings

6.74 (10.02.2022)

Added estimated cashback on the main screen

New options for sorting moonshots: DailyVol - by day. volume, MinuteVol - by minute volume

SellByTriggerBL is now set as a string of keys (space separated) (keys must be a subset of TriggerKeysBL; a coin will be sold only if its blacklisted by a trigger)

Columns with leverage (Lev) and abs. percent (ProfitAbs) have been added to the report

6.73 (30.01.2022)

Storing windows positions (reports and strategies); Ctrl-Shift-F10 hotkey to reset window positions

Added a custom limit for the number of charts in one window

Added the ability to reset the second profit counter in the general settings

Added Telegram command to reset profit counters ResetLoss

Several Telegram commands in 1 message (1 command per line) (Enabled by checkbox in "Settings - Special, Remote" or by command SetMultiLine ON|OFF)

6.72 (25.01.2022)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.71 (24.01.2022)

Buttons for managing SellPrice (Menu - "Sell Price" or double click to the sellprice caption)

The checkbox "Alarm on signal" (Settings - Interface) is replaced with "Alarm on network problems"

Fixed the ActiveTrigger logic: keep a trigger signal (on the TriggerKeyBuy key for moonshot or on the TriggerKey key for other strategies) while there is a buy order.

6.70 (17.01.2022)

Added parameter TriggerKeyBuy: a key to be triggered when a buy order is filled. For Moonshots, TriggerKey is replaced by TriggerKeyBuy.

Added the parameter of the minute delta of the volume: Calculated as the ratio of the volume for the last minute to average minute volume. A value of 1 means that the current volume is equal to the average.

In the strategy, filters are set from MinuteVolDeltaMin to MinuteVolDeltaMax (if one of the values ??is 0, then it is not used)

On the chart, the delta is displayed in the upper right corner, in the report last. column Vd1m

Added parameter SellByTriggerBL: sell if BL is triggered

The ClearTriggers parameter in the triggers section has been removed and replaced with 2 new ones:

ClearTriggersBelow - on signal on key N, clear all keys with numbers less than N

ClearTriggersAbove - when signaled on key N, clear all keys with numbers greater than N

Added a new connection method for futures (Settings - Special), there is a possibility of less lag.


memory consumption with too frequent detections with sound alerts;

The Clear button in charts did not keep the "no windows open" state after restarting the bot

V-Stop with multiorders was not correctly triggered

Saving F7 state after restart

The checkbox "Exclude from calculating deltas" in the general settings works regardless of the BlackList checkbox

6.69 (01.01.2022)

Fixed unstable behavior when getting binance error 12030

6.68 (26.12.2021)

Chart windows: The x9 button on the main window no longer affects charts, charts have their own x9 button

The volume indicator is no longer obscured by the captions on the chart

Added more info to the log of cases of zero price (such a case was on the OOKI listing)

6.67 (23.12.2021)

MultiCharts: Added hotkey for opening/closing windows ("Show\Hide Charts") (F9 by default)

Markets table: added context menu "copy markets above selected into the charts"

Fixed reading telegram signals without a strategy

Updated the built-in Telegram client

6.66 (18.12.2021)

6.65 (10.12.2021)

Added notification about the expiration date of API keys (in the main window and in the telegram)


a bug in strategies editor when "copy" and "save" was pressed too quick;

reading groups by updated telegram;

penalties in Telegram strategies with the MultiTokens option

6.64 (05.12.2021)

The built-in and the alternative Telegram clients have been updated.

6.63 (01.12.2021)

Added the "lst" Telegram command to display a list of orders in a short form

Added -TRY pairs on binance spot

Trust Management Telegram commands can be sent case-insensitively

Fixes: "copy-paste" 1 strategy now does not require pressing "save"; The MultiTokens parameter in Telegram strategies correctly take into account BL and WL

6.62 (24.11.2021)

Added the "Rectangle" drawing tool with a percentage growth / fall meter;

Formatting bot messages in Telegram;

Added parameters to the "Triggers" section:

ClearTriggers: if YES, upon a trigger signal on the specified key, clear all other triggers on all other keys.

ActiveTrigger: keep up trigger signal while buy order is active

In the TriggerKeysBL and TriggerByKey fields you can write several keys separated by a space, you can also specify the time in the "key=time" format.

example: "TriggerKeysBL 1 = 300 5 7 = 900" means ES for keys 1, 5, 7. In this case, TriggerSecondsBL is set on key 5, on key 1 300 sec, on key 7 900 sec

TriggerKeyProfit, TriggerKeyLoss: allow you to set different keys depending on the signal:

detection signal: the TriggerKey is turned on.

a trade was closed with profit: TriggerKeyProfit is turned on.

a trade was closed with loss: TriggerKeyLoss is turned on;

Fixed a bug: an open moonshot's sell could be lost when the bot was restarted or when the application was closed incorrectly

6.61 (20.11.2021)

Updated built-in Telegram client (telega.dll)

The MoonHook strategy:

Added the HookSellFixed parameter: always calculate sell as (HookSellLevel * depth) percent, regardless of the buy price;

Added the HookRepeatAfterSell parameter - repeat buy order after the sell is executed;

Removed parameters: HookRepeatAfterBuy, HookRepeatWait, HookRepeatDelay

Folders for strategies:

Revised logic of checkboxes on folders

Added "copy-paste" functionality for folders using hotkeys CTRL-C, CTRL-V

Now you can delete a folder that contains strategies (but no other folders)

Checkbox in the general settings "Ignore emulator trades" (affects only the stopping of the bot according to the general settings)

6.60 (11.11.2021)

New MoonHook calculation algorithms: HookInterpolate = 3 or 4. Algo 3 calculates the initial price and the corridor from current price, based on spike depth;

Algo 4 is based on rollback depth. Use the pencil emulator tool to watch the difference.

New MoonHook parameter HookOppositeOrder: place an order in the opposite direction (when an arrow is detected, put a short instead of a long)

Added a tool for measuring the scale in the order book. This is enabled in "Settings - Interface".

Added new command in the Telegram Leverage X [coin, coin] - change the leverage on coins to X

Information about the type of strategy used will be shown on the statistics website, on the Strategy Ratings tab

There is a checkbox in general settings, named "Don't send strat info", making it possible for you to opt out.

This opt-out affects the entire account; if you enable it on one bot, it will be enabled for all bots.

However, the MB team would be grateful if you don't enable it, so that we can all help to make our community stronger. Thank you - we appreciate it!

Binance delist announcements will be posted in the @MoonInt channel. The bot can read this channel and automatically blacklist markets.

If the strategy has the PanicSellDelisted checkbox (stop section), PanicSell will be activated on delisted markets. To use the @MoonInt channel, you must agree to send statistics, via "Settings - Login" page.

6.58 (06.11.2021)

A number of parameters have been added to the MoonHook strategy: HookPriceRollBackMax, HookPartFilledDelay, HookRollBackWait. Read more on the website or built-in tooltips.

Changed the CTRL-A logic in the strategy editor: if the cursor is in a text field, hotkey selects the text in this field

Added the 24h delta modifier Add24hDelta (MShotAdd24hDelta for moonshots)

Added DOGE pairs

The "Help" button in the bot has been updated

Fixes: Incorrect closing of emulator orders after restarting the bot; accelerated launch of a bot with a large number of orders; splited orders were not included in the site's statistics;

6.57 (20.10.2021)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.56 (19.10.2021)

Price emulation on a chart using the Pencil tool (for subscribers of our CashBack program only)

The MoonHook strategy (for subscribers of our CashBack program only)

Added the hotkey for split order into N parts

6.55 (06.10.2021)

BNB auto buy option when trading USDT-M futures (for subscribers of our CashBack program only)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.54 (04.10.2021)

The list of cashbackers (by the CashBack button in the bot) has been replenished.

Added the ResetSession telegram command to reset the session (by coin or the entire market; resets all strategies sessions and the general session)

Huobi fix

6.52 (30.09.2021)

The limit for simultaneously opened charts now applies only to charts opened by detection; manually you can open unlimited charts.

Added a hotkey to hide the balance (by default F7, can be changed in the settings)

Added the SessionLevelsUSDT parameter: (YES\NO) If Yes, then SessionStratMax and SessionStratMin are set in USDT, if NO, then as a percentage of OrderSize (by default YES)

Added the BV_SV_FilterRatioMax parameter: buy only if the bv\sv ratio is less than the specified value (ignored if 0)

Added a button to change the margin type for quarterly futures

6.51 (27.09.2021)

The number of simultaneously open charts is limited by the the ini file parameter "MaxOpenedCharts" (default 20)

Huobi fix

6.50 (25.09.2021)

Triggers are now located in a separate section; added new parameters:

TriggerOnProfit= (YES\NO) The strategy will trigger specified TriggerKey only when an order is closed with profit *CR*

TriggerOnLoss= (YES\NO) The strategy will trigger specified TriggerKey only when an order is closed with loss. *CR*

(If at least one of these checkboxes are enabled, then signals or a moonshot's buys will not be triggers. It is possible to have both checkboxes turned ON)

Added the PriceBug modifier AddPriceBug (for MoonShots, there is separate modifier MShotAddPriceBug) - by analogy with other modifiers, adds dependency on the PriceBug.

Actual market's PriceBug added to the report; PriceBug is also taken into account in the calculation of StopSpreadAdd1mDelta: the spread is increased by (1-minute delta + PriceBug) * StopSpreadAdd1mDelta

Session parameters has now limits to increase and decrease your order size: SessionIncreaseOrderMax and SessionReduceOrderMin

(as a percentage of the original OrderSize; default 500% = 5 times)

Added display of the MoonShot's price corridor (can be switched in the filter button context menu).

The logic of the filters button has been changed, 1 press turns on/off the display of filters/sessions, Right-click opens the settings menu.

Added the SellLevelAllowedDrop parameter: The value in percentage of the buy price, by which the "move to level" function can lower the sell

6.48 (13.09.2021)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.47 (12.09.2021)

New Session Control parameters (part of the Automated trading extension package)

The slider for the chart pixels size has been moved to the Settings - Interface and has 4 positions

Pending orders now have additional line on the chart - the buy price line (the main line is conditional price) (can be disabled in the Settings - Interface)

CPU optimization on auto-trading bots; spot trades are not read from the exchange in VPS mode.

The Emulator has been improved

The MoonStreamer protocol and servers has been updated. Be sure to update all your bots! Please do not use the shared MoonStreamer server for auto-trading from Tokyo VPS! This would only increase the lag.

Fixes: White and Black lists are excluded from the SellByFilters (i.e. the coin will not be sold if you changed the BL or WL with an active position);

Fixed work of the MaxMarkets parameter; -PAX pairs renamed to USDP

6.46 (08.08.2021)

Added the button "Show\Hide filters on charts" to the quick access toolbar

Added the option "Hide emulator orders" to the orders menu

New parameter "MaxMarkets" (in the Buy section): max. number of markets where the strategy works simultaneously (except for strikes)

When joining manual orders without a strategy, the stop remains in place, and is not enabled if it was manually disabled (previously it was rearranged according to the general settings)

Fixes: IgnoreCancelBuy in MoonStrike; Rare bug with joining multiple orders with different keys in the same time; 8 decimals for USDT-SHIB;

InternalError penalty is excluded from the "SellByFilters" option

6.45 (23.07.2021)

Fixes for the Binance Quarterly

6.44 (15.07.2021)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.43 (13.07.2021)

The EMA of the entire market has been added to The Automated trading extension package : MAvg (X, Y) - similar to EMA (X, Y), but uses the average price of the entire market (weighted sum of all coins prices, incl. or excl. global BL depending of your settings. Read more in the manual )

The AutoSplitBuy parameter has been added to the manual strategy: Only for manual trading and only if OrdersCount = 1. Split a buy order if the original size exceeds the limit.

Bugfixes: Huobi did not accept API keys; the FixedStop option with disabled stops incorrectly took the stop from the general settings

6.42 (18.06.2021)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.41 (13.06.2021)

Fixed stop in grid strategies: the StopLossFixed parameter places a stop based on the first order, after joining other orders the stop with this option remains in the same place

Reports screenshots by the CTRL-F10 are now also copied to the clipboard

Fixes in the strategy editor

6.40 (07.06.2021)

Improvements in the strategy editor

New parameter CancelBuyAfterSell: As the checkbox from the general settings, cancels buy orders after the sell is executed; applies only for orders of the same strategy or with the same JoinKey (not zero)

The option "hide the Buy button" (settings - Interface)

Publishing a report screenshot via CTRL-F10

Added another MoonStream server ("traffic light" - settings)

Change in TM commands:

some commands (for example PanicSell) did not take into account the ChannelKey and acted on all orders on the market.

For example, if long and short are opened at the same time, the command "cmd_PanicSell <Coin> Key Long" previously closed both positions, now only long.

6.39 (30.05.2021)

Folder in the strategy editor

Added parameters for managing the sell by EMA filter (SellByCustomEMA):

SellEMADelay: delay (seconds) before sell by EMA filter

SellEMACheckEnter: check the EMA filter before buy; if the condition is met, then do not buy (so that it does not sell immediately)

New parameter for triggers TriggerAllMarkets: If YES, then the trigger affects all markets at once; If No, only to the market where was the signal

Fixes: Protection against opening too many charts; Huobi lost orders

6.38 (10.05.2021)

Fixed bug in spot SHIB -USDT pair

6.36 (05.05.2021)

Added Telegram command to modify strategy parameters: SetParam Strategy Param Value

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.35 (02.05.2021)

Added hotkeys for scale and SellPrice

New parameter in the Telegram strategy: MultiTokens - Buy all tokens in one signal.

Reports: enter + or - to filter out profits or losses

The number of trigger keys increased from 20 to 50

Deltas in the report for joined orders are written at the time of detection, not at the time of merging

Optimized API load.

Updated Automatic trading server setting recommendations (menu - News in the bot)

6.34 (25.04.2021)

Changed Triggers logic: the timer has been moved to filters, and now affects the managed strategy. Now, when the trigger is fired, all strategies with the TriggerByKey key will be started, each for its own time TriggerSeconds

Added BlackList triggers: TriggerKeysBL - a string with keys numbers (space or comma separated). If one of these keys had a signal on the coin, then the strategy won't work on coin TriggerSecondsBL seconds

Mini-candles are now loading from the charts server (with the "Load charts" extension)

Moonshots will restart faster

6.33 (20.04.2021)

The Automated trading extension package now includes "triggers": launch of a strategy may be triggered by another strategy

Trades ("dots") on the chart, which were previously deleted, now turn into "mini-candles". This allows you to see a larger segment of the chart with prices and volumes.

The Stop loss in strategies, if StopLossEMA = 0, now takes into account the average trades price (previously only BID \ ASK) and may be activated a little faster (if there is no lag in the trades stream)

New strategy parameter StopSpreadAdd1mDelta: Increase the stop loss spread depending on the 1-minute delta:

The spot short with OrderSize = 0 will put all available coins in the order

6.32 (12.04.2021)

Futures bots fixed

6.31 (10.04.2021)

The "OR" operator has been added to EMA filters (with algebraic order: first AND, then OR. Example: A AND B OR C AND D means that either (A AND B) or (C AND D)

The SellByCustomEMA parameter no longer affected by the SellByFilters

Experimental function: Short on the spot (this is not a margin! The coins must already be on the balance; for example, you hold them. You also need to have a free balance in the base currency)

New Filters parameter: "OnlyNewListing": the time in seconds during which the strategy will work on listings. If 0, ignored. The IgnoreFilters option does not affect this setting

The built-in Telegram client has been updated

Added BIDR pairs on binance spot

6.30 (28.03.2021)

New columns for deltas added the report: Pump1H, Dump1H, d24h, d3h, d1h, d15m, d5m, d1m, dBTC1m

Second filter in the report form (works as "AND", i.e. both conditions in the same time)

Added the checkbox "hide blacklisted markets" in the markets table

Fixed strategies names in the Excel export

6.28 (24.03.2021)

Strategies with EMA filters will start faster on new listings

The Spread strategy with the "DebugLog" parameter will output into the log its calculations on new listings (to help understand why there was no detects)

Fixes: editing several strategies simultaneously; the "AutoCancelBuy" parameter in MoonShots; false detects of stuck positions

6.27 (21.03.2021)

Added the strategy change log (in the the logs\strat folder, also in the strategies editor)

New types of formulas have been added to the CustomEMA : BTC (X, Y) - BTC/USDT price comparison; Max(X, Y) and Min(X, Y) - compare max(min) price X minutes or hours ago and the current price or EMA Y sec. ago

The @MBOnlineBot will now report API ban

Display and protection by limit of orders per day (on spot). Binance spot limit is 200k orders/day.

Fixes: Orders of the emulator now do not occupy a position limit and do not interfere with placing real orders; The PumpMovePersent parameter in the PumpDetect strategy more correctly takes into account the peak price;

Improved algorithm for controlling stuck positions

6.26 (12.03.2021)

Stuck positions control (PRO veriosn only)

Working bot now prevents Windows reboot

Correct processing of the 300 orders per 10 sec limit on Futures

Custom EMA filter is excluded from the "CheckAfterBuy" checking

6.25 (08.03.2021)

New strategy parameter "SellByCustomEMA": A condition to sell, if the prices satisfy the EMA filter conditions.

New additional delta in filters: Delta3, the same as Delta2

Charts rendering optimization

Bot's (VPS) online status monitoring service: @MBOnlineBot. For the service to work, enable the "Settings - Login - online monitoring" checkbox. If your VPS or bot hangs, @MBOnlineBot will inform you about it via Telegram. (specify your telegram in Settings)

6.24 (27.02.2021)

The Report's "comment" field has now Ping and latenycy (at the moment of a signal)

fixes: Using API limits at startup reduced.

6.21 (06.02.2021)

New strategy filters: SessionProfitMin, SessionProfitMax: Session profit From SessionProfitMin To SessionProfitMax defines the strategy working diapason. Zero value means the parameter is ignored. You can setup session autoreset in the main settings - the AutoStart tab.

New PumpDetection parameter: "PumpUsePrevBuyPrice" - Use 2-seconds old price for calculating BuyPrice (unless specified using price 30 seconds ago). Enabled by default. This setting protects against buying at the very top of the spike. Before this parameter was added to the settings, it was always enabled programmatically, so when disabled, the strategy behavior will change!

Fixes: Spikes drawing on a chart upon first opening of a market; Auto-centering the chart when releasing the x9 button

6.19 (04.02.2021)

Futures: added BTC_0326, ETH_0326 markets on USDT futures

The x9 button no longer affects sell price, only charts scale

6.16 (30.01.2021)

The "Wait if there are open orders" checkbox has been added to the Autoupdate tab in the settings menu. The bot will update when all orders are closed. Does not affect manual updates and the "DoUpdate" command in Telegram

Futures: Added selection of leverage 5 to the list of leverages

Added Dump1h falling hour delta (similar to the rising delta)

Added modifiers for the hourly growth and decline deltas: AddPump1h, AddDump1h. Both deltas are always positive.

New filter in strategies: TotalLoss (positive number). The strategy stops working when the total minus exceeds the set value. The minus is counted by the total settings from the AutoStart tab for the set time for the whole report.

The hourly growth delta P1H is saved on the charts in the report

Fixed bug moving all sells to 1 price

6.14 (25.01.2021)

New strategy parameter: "TradePenaltyTime" - time in seconds during which the strategy will not work for the coin on which the trade was closed in minus.

New delta in strategies: In the "Delta2" picklist, you can specify the 1 hour growth delta (PumpHDelta). It is calculated as the difference between the maximum price and the price an hour ago.

The CheckAfterBuy filter option will always be checked once, even if you have not turned it on

Fixed API overload on listing

6.12 (14.01.2021)

Improved BinancePriceBug calculation algorithm; the default value for spot strategies is now 1%

6.11 (13.01.2021)

Futures: BUSD* pairs added (the Pairs menu)

To the right of the chart, next to Lot the max possible order is displayed: when trying to join orders whose total exceeds this limit, the autosplit is performed.

The strategy filter now contains the BinancePriceBug parameter (default value = 0.5, if 0 — not used); the value by which the price should lag, in percent, for the trading to stop.

The price lag is determined as the difference between the price line and the trades, in percentage over each 10 seconds.

If this filter is triggered, a 30 second penalty is enabled (i.e. new orders will not be placed by this strategy over the next 30 seconds at least, or longer than that if the price lag doesn't decrease)

The leverage selection menu has now added the 25x leverage

The bot will communicate the increase of used memory via Telegram

6.09 (05.01.2021)

Fixed memory consumption on futures bots

6.08 (30.12.2020)

The promo code MoonBot2021 can be activated in the 6.08 MB

- between December 30 2020 and January 15 2021, you get the full suite for free trial

- from January 15 until the 25, you get a 50% discount on activating the PRO version along with the MoonScalper module (0.1 BTC) 🔥

- from January 15 until the 25, you get a 40% discount on activating the full suite (0.14 BTC) 🔥

6.07 (27.12.2020)

The strategy modifiers has now all markkets 24h delta (AddMarket24Delta, the value is taken modulo)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.05 (26.12.2020)

Orders can be canceled by holding the Delete or TAB button and mouse-over an order; now only buy orders are canceled that way

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.04 (22.12.2020)

Orders can be canceled by holding the Delete button and mouse-over an order

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

6.03 (20.12.2020)

Added new sounds for alerts; Sounds in *wav format are stored in the data \ sounds.zip file; you may add your own to this file

New strategy parameter "CheckFreeBalance" (in the "multiorders" chapter) - check that free balance is enough to set whole orders grid

New strategy parameters "SellLevel*" (in the "Sell Order" chapter) to replace sell orders to levels:

the "SellLevel*" parameters group controls automatic replace of sell orders to levels calculated by the highs (for shorts - lows) prices.

The order can be replaced several times if the level changes over time. Read more about each parameter in the tips in the bot

After an incorrect shutdown (for example, when you turn off the PC or reboot the VPS), the bot will try to cancel all buy orders on the account

Updated recommendations for auto-trading (in the bot, menu - "news"): If you see errors 12030 or 10054 (in the log or in the window when you click on the API indicator), we recommend moving bots to the Seoul location

6.02 (08.12.2020)

Dear Users ❗️

To ensure that this holiday season brings you the joy it is supposed to, we're launching two promos at the same time 👍

1) Using the promo code MoonBot2020

- effective immediately until the 31st of December 2020, included, you get a 60% discount for the full suite (0.096 BTC) 🔥

The full suite includes the Moon Scalper and Binance Futures modules.

2) Using the promo code MoonBot2021

- between December 31 2020 and January 15 2021, you get the full suite for free trial

- from January 15 until the 25, you get a 50% discount on activating the PRO version along with the MoonScalper module (0.1 BTC) 🔥

- from January 15 until the 25, you get a 40% discount on activating the full suite (0.14 BTC) 🔥

6.01 (06.12.2020)

Strategy parameter "IgnoreFilters" no longer disables ban proptectio; instead, a checkbox "Disable ban protection" added (Settings - special). Please don't click this checkbox!

The API errors window now shows API requests caused the error

Fixes: orders with AutoCancelBuy = 1 sometimes was canceled a bit later than 1 sec;

MoonStrikes stopped placing orders after a long work without reboot;

Quarterly cheap coins sometimes had left snall umnanaged balances;

Fixed the hotkey to join shorts in hedge mode

6.00 (22.11.2020)

New strategy parameter "SellModifier" in the modifiers section; adjusts the sell price (Similarly as with the BuyModifier)

Fixes in quarterly futures; added coin's free balance (the "Lot" caption on the chart's right panel)

5.99 (19.11.2020)

The "SellByFilters" strategy parameter is now integer value (instead of boolean YES\NO) and means the time after buy (in seconds) after which to trigger PanicSell when the market fails to fulfill the filters conditions

The latest API errors list has now coins names; the latest messages are now on top

Screenshot made by CTRL-F10 are now also sent to the channel @MoonBot_Profit

Fixes: rare case of freezing when actively working with an orders grid

5.98 (17.11.2020)

Futures: the difference between the spot price on the chart is now displayed as a percentage (instead of $)

Added the window with the latest API errors (click on the API indicator at the bottom of the main window, or on the "API Errors" in the "traffic light" window)

Use this data to analyze the reasons why your strategy stops

Fixes: displayed order price after Join and Split; A rare case of losing position when 2 bots working with 1 coin at the same time

5.97 (10.11.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.95 (06.11.2020)

Settings - autobuy - advanced filter: new checkbox "Special tokens" added to detect token in signals written some special way, for example "Today we pump (s) (n) (g) (l) (s)" (use only for pumps! turn off for regular signals trading)

Automatic ban protection will not trigger if the strategy parameter "IgnoreFilters = YES". Orders set by these strategies wont be canceled in case of API or CPU overload; its supposed that IgnoreFilters is set for deep enough moonshots

The hang protection settings (Settings - Advanced) got new option "control orders of this bot" (ON by default). Keep it ON for autotrading, may turn it OFF for manual bots so that manual orders wont be canceled by hang protection

5.94 (01.11.2020)

Huobi: added pairs -HT, -HUSD

New strategy parameter SellByFilters - turn PanicSell when the market fails to fulfill the filters conditions.

New strategy parameters: "Delta Modifiers". Adjust buy order prices and detection levels depending on deltas. Work in Drops, Liquidations, Pump, Manual strategies.

More details on the new parameters can be found on the website (https://moon-bot.com/en/manual/strategies/) or in the bot's hints

New function "Hang protection" (Settings - Advanved). Read more in the bot's hints

The CTRL-F10 hotkey now allows to post the screenshot to the moon_bot_kurilka chat On behalf of @TMoonBot. Remember: by sending screenshots, you are making the developers proud thanks to your success!

We are very glad to know that our efforts are not in vain.

5.93 (21.10.2020)

MoonBot has now added support for Huobi Exchange (currently spot only)

+ The PRO version for Huobi is considered as an additional key in the bot, at the price of 0.05BTC

+ The following promo is active until December 10th : you can activate the Huobi PRO version for 350 Credits.

5.92 (15.10.2020)

Moon Credits

As we promised during the ICO, we will load 1000 Credits to the accounts of PRO version users. The actual transfer of credits will happen today, on the 3rd anniversary of MoonBot, while the release of MoonTrader is slightly postponed.

We now offer you the chance of using the Credits in MoonBot, as of right now!

Some of you bought the PRO version during promotions and did not accrue Credits. We've decided to gift these users Credits too!

Those who benefited from the BoonBot2020 and BinanceRussia promos will receive 500 Credits, without the possibility of transferring them to MT (i.e. for use ONLY within MoonBot).

The list of options that will accept Credits as method of payment will be revised in the future.

During the first week after the launch of new functionalities (until October 22nd, 2020) for all credits used, you will receive a cashback of 20% of the used Credits.

(To open the Credit Menu, click on PRO Version in the bottom right corner OR click on Moon Credits in the Settings - PRO)

5.91 (12.10.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.90 (10.10.2020)

Futures: Funding Rate added to markets charts (top left corner). Green means negative Funding Rate. i.e shorts pay longs (longs are safe)

Auto stop strategies on high API load; improved algorithm when API limits are exceeded. Restart according to "settings - autostart - restart on API errors"

Fixes: new listing was not detected sometimes; double buys in UDP TM; multiple short sells move

5.89 (28.09.2020)

New Bittrex API v3

Added the button to cancel all orders (in the Markets table).Warning! will cancel also sells on futures, if they were set not by the new MB vesrion.

Futures Sells set by 5.89 or higher or spot sells wont be canceled.

Futures: one more new websocket (Settings - advanved), so there are 3 options: default, previous FStream3 and new one SFStream

Fixed the context menu "Copy markets above" on the markers table

5.88 (24.09.2020)

Markets table now shows orders count column

Futures: the option to don't check position limits (Setings - Advanced). Please, don't turn it!

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.86 (19.09.2020)

Added the button to change leverage on all markets (on the windows with the Markets table)

The Telegram command "List" now also outputs current balance

Fixed bug when strategy with OrderSize=0 wasn't working

5.84 (16.09.2020)

The option to exclude BlackListed markets from delta calculations (Settings - Main). PAXG is always excluded

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.83 (07.09.2020)

MaxLatency filter was added to strategies: stops trading based on this strategy if latency exceeds a set value (by default = 0, not applied)

When halting the Bot based on API errors, the weight of some errors was lowered. Use the MaxLatency filter for additional risk management.

Hourly volumes fix

5.82 (06.09.2020)

New strategy filter for exclude Leveraged tokens (trading leveraged tokens turned off by default)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.81 (05.09.2020)

Real-time market data from our servers (beta stage; will be paid addon later)

The main menu "Reload charts" again reloads all opened charts (while the hotkey reloads only current chart)

Waking up the PC resets the charts reload timer

In case of network failure while setting an order the bot will try to cancel this order immediately (to prevent unwanted buys)

The bot will detect Binance API issues. The text with issues description and tech details will be available on the "Help" button.

This button will be red if any issues are detected.

Use the text to create support ticket to the Binance.

5.80 (28.08.2020)

Optimization: OrderBook; Memory (a bit more data on charts, including report charts on a VPS); non-fullscreen charts are a bit faster

Auto-Loading charts from our server triggers only If the bot started less than 3 hours ago;

Added hotkey to manually reload the chart (CTRL-R) (only for MoonTrader ICO participant)

The bot won't send Telegram messages about ping If you chose the option "don't send system messages" in the "Settings - Advanced"

Fixes: The Drops strategy wrong detects; The DoUpdate Telegram command; Detects during high volatility further limited, preventing API ban; API overload on DEFI

5.78 (15.08.2020)

The option to use new binance websocket Fstream3 can be now be turned on in the "Settings - Advanced".

By default it's turned off; If 5.75 version worked for you without lags, turn it on. The BookTicker option has been disabled temporarily as it might lead to delays and lags

New strategy parameter "IgnoreFilters": If YES, all filters (except for White- and BlackList) will be ignored

New Telegram commands to display and change the Blacklisted markets "BL, BL+, BL-"


Detects will not open too many charts during high volatility, preventing the bot from API ban

Auto clearing logs when free disk space is too low

Fixed reports in the telegram bot @ReportMBBot

5.75 (08.08.2020)

New Binance Futures websocket url has been added probably with less latency (use the "original" connection method (settings - advanced) for better perfomance)

New strategy filter "1-minute BTC delta" (calculated by trades and hence may work faster)

The reports form has now the checkbox "Today" to show trades for today, counting the time in the "From" box

Fixes: price step in custom price lines

5.74 (02.08.2020)

New strategy stops parameter "BV_SV_Reverse" - if YES, exit by bv\sv is calculated by reverse ratio, sells to buys (i.e. a long order will be closed when the price is raising, a short - when the price is falling)

The option to set Short orders added to all strategies. Note, strategy algorithms was not changed! The "Short" only affects should the strategy set long or short orders.

Custom drawn price lines display now the price value

The "Show\Hide entries" button has now context menu "Clear Fullscreen market\All markets entries"

The Sell Price (TP) and StopLoss (SL) sliders are added to the main screen. The SellPrice is duplicated when the sliders panel is hidden.

5.73 (22.07.2020)

New strategy parameter "IgnoreCancelBuy" - Ignore the AutoCancelBuy option for orders grid If first of the grid has been filled

The Split Order function now remebmers the Stop value and apllies it to new orders

Fixes: The BTC pairs PriceStep; The price in the spread position when 2nd orderbook is turned on; Hints in the orders list; rare Join bug

5.72 (20.07.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.71 (19.07.2020)

Orders outside of the visible chart are now movable

Telegram command "cmd_SetStop" can now recognize the "Key" field

The orders list has been redesigned; sort options added (context menu, sort by buy or sell orders; by market name; by creation order)

Bots on VPS now have DirectX turned on by default

Some CPU optimiation when working on VPS

5.68 (13.07.2020)

Second orderbook on spot pairs (USDT and BTC) has been added.

The algorithm of chart's centring and autosscale has been changed. The hotkey CTRL - RightArrow shifts the chart to the current price and time.

With log level set to 5 and the Extended debug mode turned on, separate log files for each market are created.

The function "Send signals to my channel" (on the "Share" button) turned off by default, If you need it, turn again.

5.67 (09.07.2020)

Added option to Auto-Load charts from the MoonServer (Settings - UI) (If unchecked, you can still load the chart manually through the menu) (for the MoonTrader ICO participants only)

The "Share" button have new option to send signals to your own channel and to both your channel and the @MoonInt channel

Futures: the spot orderbook can be shown by corresponding BTC pair

Fixes: in the hedge mode then bot could not see liauidated orders

5.66 (03.07.2020)

The session profit will be kept until manually reseted through the menu ("Reset Session")

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.65 (02.07.2020)

Orders Join is working now in the UDP Trust Management (no additional settings, a manager just use the Join in usual way)

Hotkeys to create screenshots (Settings - HotKeys, by default CTRL-F10 to capture a chart, CTRL-F12 to capture whole bot's window). Screenshots are copied to the clipboard (and ready to paste to social networks) and stored in the Screenshots folder

Quarterly Futures: The market name changed to full name (incl. expiration date) which allows to use WL\BL

Fixes: Quarterly Futures commissions and daily\hourly volumes

5.64 (27.06.2020)

New strategy parameter JoinPriceFixed (the "MultiOrders" section) - whether to take fixed strategy SellPrice after joining orders

New option added to PanicSell all orders on overall loss exceeded (Settings - Autostart)

Liquidations in the report now tries to determine the strategy caused the liquidation (in the comment field).

Fixes: Memory optimization in the VPS mode; The .csv export (the "Coin" column); The Liquidations strategy in the short mode;

5.63 (21.06.2020)

New strategy filters parameter "CheckAfterBuy" - whether to check filters after buy order is set

(If NO, filters are checked only once when a signal is detected; If YES, filters are checked continuously until buy order is filled or canceled)

New strategy filter "MaxPosition": The max value of currently opened position. The position is calculated as sum of all sell and buy orders on this market.

The filter rejects a new order If it would exceed the "MaxPosition" and cancels existing buy orders if CheckAfterBuy=YES and total position of all other strategies exceeds the "MaxPosition".

The Telegram signals settings (Settings - AutoBuy) has new filed for short keywords (futures only). The "short" command also works in your remote control channel

Short\Long trades in the report are highlighted (futures only)

The MoonStrike strategy can now set shorts (futures only). To control it, use the strategy parameter "MStrikeDirection" which can have 3 values:

Both (both longs and shorts in the same strategy symmetrically), OnlyLong, OnlyShort

5.61 (17.06.2020)

Option to reset current profit counter added to the autostop by cumulative loss .

The button S9 added to the main window (near to the x9 button) to change the sell price x10 times.

Fixes: the Delta strategy was not properly triggered; the leverage displayed wrong in hedge mode.

5.60 (16.06.2020)

Binance Quarterly Futures has been added

The option "Auto PanicSell can drop price to..." (settings - main) can now take fractional values, but not higher than StopLoss

Binance Futures:

The limits for the MoonShot's min. price removed in case when the following conditions are met: coins white list is not empty and either

1) Price for the strategy is calculated using LastTrade price (MshotUsePrice = Trade) or

2) Price for the strategy is calculated using ASK\BID (MshotUsePrice = ASK\BID) and the option "use BookTicker prices" is turned ON "Settings - advanced").

5.59 (03.06.2020)

The chart now displays the BID/ASK prices in real time. To enable, go to "Settings — special". When enabled, these prices will be used by MoonShots if the order replacement is set to use the BID or ASK prices.

Attention! Enabling this feature may overload CPUs on 1-2 core VPS srevices.

A button that will take the users to the coin's twitter page (located on the right of the chart window).

CPU usage optimization when working on a VPS (don't forget to enable the VDS mode in the Menu — System Settings)

Displaying the CPU load (including system load) and VDS mode on the connection indicator ("traffic light")

Fixes: orderSize in MoonStrike strategies; the option "Stop if loss is greater than" now takes open orders into account

5.58 (26.05.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.57 (25.05.2020)

Option to Display on charts the strategies that do not meet the filters (turn in the menu or in the strategies window)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.56 (14.05.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.55 (10.05.2020)

Fixed the auto stop on loss function: it will not only stop strategies but also cancel all buy orders.

If the options "stop on ping", "settings - advanced - Extended debug" are turned on and the log level is set to "5", the log will contain report about particular API calls with too high ping; weights of some API calls has been adjusted to avoid too frequent stops on high ping.

Binance Futures:

Auto-refresh websocket liquidations stream to handle cases when liquidations are disappeared from a chart.

5.53 (05.05.2020)

New strategies filter option UseBTCPriceStep (Yes\No): If Yes, the price step is calculated by actual pair, otherwise by corresponding BTC market

Example: USDT-HOT has actual price step 0.02%, while BTC-HOT step is 14%. Using new parameter HOT can be excluded by price step filter (0..1%)

The option "Settings - Advanced - charts in reports N minutes after close" can be zero. In that case the chart will be stored up to 10 seconds after sell order is done.

The function "Immune for clicks" (right-click on a chart's order) also makes the order immune from join

The minimum value for the option "Restart after ping" reduced to 1 minute

Fixes: Hotkeys window TAB order; ESC closes the settings window; rare websocket error "Unfragmented message after FIN"

5.52 (24.04.2020)

New strategy "TopMarket". Detects a coin with max 15 minutes delta. The strategy is created automatically, you will find it in the bottom of your strategies list

Note: the strategy is not intended for autotrading, only for detects for manual trading!

Important! The PriceStep on non-BTC markets is not calculated by corresponding BTC market anymore. Instead, actual markets PriceStep is used.

Both PriceSteps are shown in the markets table, however only actual PriceStep is used in strategies filters.

Context menu added to the markets table to copy markets above selected to clipboard (to blacklist or whitelist markets)

The button to fast set max leverage added to the the markets table

5.51 (18.04.2020)

Pending short orders (configure click to set in the "Settings - UI" page)

The "Cancel buy order" button also cancels pending orders (on the same market)

The buttons "move orders by +1% \ -1%" has been removed, added hotkeys for the same action (Settings - Hotkeys)

Two new fixed orders buttons added (6 buttons total)

The option to adjust trailing by X% for each 1% of price can now be negative (Settings - main)

5.50 (12.04.2020)

Option to cancel all buys when a sell is filled (Settings – main)

Binance Futures:

– The Hedge Mode (both short and long positions at the same time). Turn on\off on the leverage button

– The switch to lock chart’s clicks to move only short orders, only long orders or both types. (the switch is under the leverage button)

Important! The Hedge Mode is account-wide, hence you must update all your bots before turning it on!

5.49 (06.04.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.48 (01.04.2020)

Long-awaited feature: possibility to move already excecuted orders

All new bots become PRO with all modules included, no payment required!

5.47 (27.03.2020)

Latency fixed for cases when instantaneous execution is expected.

The built-in Telegram client was updated (Attention! Might require a repeated logging into your Telegram account)

Some optimization of the MoonBot process priority

Binance Futures:

– To motivate our community to participate in the upcoming trading tournament we are making the following changes:

1) The maximum limit order for the Trial version is increased to 30$ (leverage not accounted for i.e. using the maximum leverage of x125, the maximum order amount becomes 30$x125 = 3750$ )

2) The trial period for both modules will be reset two times. First reset will happen today, the second reset will happen on the day the tournament starts: April 10th.

3) You can register for the tournament by following this link:https://www.binance.com/en/futures/activity/tournament — you must find the MoonTrader team and click the “Join” button

5.46 (18.03.2020)

With log level set to 5 the bot will not spam the log window anymore; service messages are written only into the log file

API limits has been increased; its now correctly shown on the API load bar

If you exeed the orders per minuite limit, the bot will notify in the Telegram

5.45 (16.03.2020)

When using the HFT parameter, the bot will post CPU load in your Telegram channel

Binance Futures:

– Fixed the “Gained USDT reports column

– Liquidations are not shown on all your bots anymore

– The MarkPrice filter

– The MarkPrice filter is designed to avoid opening a position too far away from the mark price, which could lead to instant liquidation.

– The filter works with the MarkPrice delta, which is the percentile difference between the Market Price and the Mark Price. If the MarkPrice is above the market price, the difference will be negative and if it’s below the market price, the difference will be positive.

– The filter is set with values from and to (MarkPriceMin, MarkPriceMax).

Example: MarkPriceMin=0 MarkPriceMax=1 – will choose all the coins where the MarkPrice is moved to the opposite side from the order by no more than 1%. (therefore, if mark price is 1% above the market price, no short orders will be placed; if the mark price is 1% below the market price, no long orders will be placed; in other cases, both short and long orders will be placed)

5.44 (12.03.2020)

The parameter “Settings – CLose charts in N minutes of inactivity” can be set to 0 (charts are closed in 10 seconds)

New strategies parameter HFT(under the Buy Conditions chapter): determines the timeframe in milliseconds, during which the request to place an order (sent to the exchange) is valid. If 0 then not used (strategy works as previously). Read more in the bot, the News page (Menu – News, under the discount chapter)

The ping status string has now 2nd ping value: time, taken by Set Order commands. The exchange may excecute API requests much slower then pure ping, thats why this timing is more important

Binance Futures:

– Liquidations are now show in the bot’s report

5.43 (08.03.2020)

The Split command hotkey (configure in the Settings – Hotkeys tab)

– The Split can be used in the UDP Trust Management

Binance Futures:

– The SamePosition filter now works in Telegram strategies

– Separate colors for long and short liquidations on the chart

– Max Leverage and margin type (cross \ isolated) are shown in the leverage dialog

5.42 (03.03.2020)

Sell order split function (right-click on the order on market chart, select the “Split Order” menu)

5.41 (01.03.2020)

Fixed bug when orders sometimes was missed in the report

Added windows Auto Logon and autostart on windows startup settings (Menu – System Settings). Its recompensed to use them on vds as well as the “VDS mode” checkbox

5.40 (28.02.2020)

New MoonShot parameter:

MShotAddDistance – the expansion coefficient for MShotPrice (percentage relatively to MShotPriceMin depending on deltas; If AddDelta values added X% to MShotPriceMin, then MShotPrice will be adjusted by X * (1 + MShotAddDistance/100)%

Example: MShotAddDistance = 100, MShotPriceMin is adjusted by AddDeltas by 1%, then MShotPrice is adjusted by 2%

Default 0 – dont adjust (works as before)

Binance Futures: Margin Type (isolated or cross) and the button to quick change the type on all markets added to the markets table;

5.39 (23.02.2020)

The MoonShot’s RaiseWait parameter has been slightly changed: now it means Delay in seconds before the replacement of the buy order after the price has increased or the last replacement has been made. (each event: price increase or order replacement up or down resets the counter)

Binance Futures:

– The list of currently open positions has been added to the Menu

– Balances. The order button in the balances list will cancel all open orders on the market and place one close order (same as chart’s Limit Close menu)

– The MarkPrice refresh rate has been increased to 1 second

– The Markets table has new column “Current Leverage \ Max. Leverage” instead of pointless for the futures “PumpQ” column

The api error “Order does not exist” weight has been deareased; however bot may still stop by api errors; its recommended to keep the setting “Stop on api errors level” ON for auto-trading bots (The Settings – Autostart page).

5.37 (10.02.2020)

Fixes: Binance Futures login issue; Emulator optimization

5.36 (07.02.2020)

Fixes: 5m BTC delta on Binance Futures; OrderBook update speed with fast orderbook turned OFF; sending TM commands to a Telegram channel

5.34 (06.02.2020)

Bug fixes and other minor improvements

5.33 (26.01.2020)

Current market price is shown on the chart (in the spread or on the right panel, switch in “Settings – UI”)

Fixes: T-view Fututers links; fixes hotkeys repeated clicks before the key is released; The MoonStrike strategy won’t spam the log anymore (unless the Debug mode is turned in the strategy)

5.32 (18.01.2020)

New telegram command “DoUpdate” – force version update (useful on vps when you turn off then auto-update feature)

Binance Futures: The “Split” function has been changed to calculate orders prices as max[current price, position entry price] + P% (instead of current price + P%)

5.31 (16.01.2020)

Fixes: telegram command “CancelBuy”; floating-point values on the “TakeProfit” slider (Settings – Main)

New strategy parameter in the MultiOrders section: OrderSizeKind (Linear or Exponential calculation of the orders grid. Default is Linear)

5.30 (09.01.2020)

The slider “delete old logs” (Settings – Advanced) can be set to zero, in this case chart are not stored in the reports db (to keep more hdd space)

Added 5-minutes delta to strategies filters and to the MoonShot parameters. Watch this delta in the left corner of the chart

The min. “restart after ping” time has been changed from 10 minutes to 3 minutes

5.28 (05.01.2020)

EUR pairs has been added

Binance Futures:

– New parameter SamePosition (currently works only with MoonShot, Liquidations strategies): place orders only in the current position direction

2019 Update History Archive

2018 Update History Archive

2017 Update History Archive